Get Energy Smart! NOW!

Blogging for a sustainable energy future.

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FOR DISCOVERY VISITORS: You should go and read this, which is where the sentence is quoted.  Always amusing to be quoted and cited without any context.  Facts, if presented in misleading ways and with purpose of deceit, are not necessarily truthful statements.

This is temporary comment to accommodate the incompetent linking from that post.

Get Energy Smart! NOW!!! is dedicated to the search for more intelligent approaches to critical issues in American and global society, principally in terms of energy.  Issues that stretch from our homes to the globe.

This includes efforts to develop policies and action to foster a prosperous and sustainable energy future, to Energize America for a better future.

All comments to this site will be subject to moderation and editing.  The site owner reserves the right to reject and/or edit any comment judged inappropriate for any reason. Rudeness, foul language, and anti-science/reality-denying are grounds for rejection/banning.

All original written material at this site is (C) A Siegel and use of this material is restricted by that copyright.

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FOR CONTACT: siegead AT [ignore this] gmail DOT [but not this] com  or  getenerg AT getenergysmartnow DOT [forget this] com


12 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Vicki Satta // Aug 8, 2007 at 5:47 pm

    Hi Adam… I’ll do what I can toward a Stepping it Up event in Denver. I can help organize it, but I can’t be in charge. If someone else does it, please give them my e-mail and ask them to get in touch with me.


  • 2 marguerite manteau-rao // Dec 5, 2007 at 3:41 pm


    Thanks for commenting on my article on the ‘solar grandma’ in Environmental Graffiti. And thanks for the work you are doing. Where are you based?

    I am in the Bay Area

  • 3 Angeline // Mar 20, 2008 at 3:52 pm

    Hey, I’d like to get your RSS feed…could you add a link so we could subscribe to your blog?

  • 4 John // Dec 12, 2008 at 10:32 am

    Check out my new documentary video about how we could switch to 100% renewable energy in the next 5 years.

  • 5 David Vaughan // Sep 8, 2009 at 2:18 pm

    A friend of mine sent me this link for me to see what a hack job your blog did on my studies and views on the importance of first lowering energy consumtion before going off to the lofty goals of solar and wind power. When you spoke to me at the Eco-Build show I had just finished a joint project with one the formost alternative energy companies in the country. I was made aware of the problems with infrastructure in these power concepts and spoke of this in my talks at the show. It is obvious that you did not take notes and your short term memory is insufficient or you would have understood what I was speaking in reference to. T. Boone Pickens found out the hard way that there is no infrastucture and you would not have known of this in Dec. when you wrote this obviously stupid article. It is also obvious that you have another interest in mind ( see your recomendation). Many people have read my articles and books and this just makes you and your interests look stupid and mis informed.

  • 6 Kevin // Nov 27, 2009 at 5:53 pm

    Great site! Keep up the good work. I’ve added you to my blogroll on

  • 7 r dodge // Mar 4, 2010 at 1:07 pm

    This housing unit is made from reinforced concrete sprayed (shotcrete) over a shell of soy based urethane foam (R 56) It’s main attributes are that it greatly reduces the amount of lumber needed while creating a super insulated abode. It can be configured into almost any shape but domes and arches are the very strongest of any. There are no limitation as to size. This could be 400 SQ or10,000 .sq ft
    Our structure is nearly fireproof and will stand up to the strongest hurricanes and most tornadoes. Passive solar heat gain is very high when oriented correctly. The use of solar cells are very efficient especially with the newest spray-on types. The entire wall/roof can be covered with dirt and grass or flowers and shrubs making it virtually disappear into the landscape. No snow shoveling is ever required anywhere in America. WE AVERAGE 17 FT OF SNOW A YEAR WHERE THIS HOUSE WAS ORIFINALLY DESIGNED.
    A totally unskilled crew can learn how to construct the shell after two complete building cycles. Carpenters, plumbers, and electricians are needed for windows, doors, and interior work with a very short learning curve to adjust to the few subtle differences from building with wood. Interior design is very flexible and cost effectiveness is on par with any other system, even factory built. (No shipping)
    Although we haven’t tried it yet, I’m quite confident that we could shoot these using on-site clay as in adobe or stamped earth construction. Questions? Russ Dodge at 906-482-8368
    This housing unit is made from reinforced concrete sprayed (shotcrete) over a shell of soy based urethane foam (R 56) It’s main attributes are that it greatly reduces the amount of lumber needed while creating a super insulated abode. It can be configured into almost any shape but domes and arches are the very strongest of any. There are no limitation as to size. This could be 400 SQ or10,000 .sq ft
    Our structure is nearly fireproof and will stand up to the strongest hurricanes and most tornadoes. Passive solar heat gain is very high when oriented correctly. The use of solar cells are very efficient especially with the newest spray-on types. The entire wall/roof can be covered with dirt and grass or flowers and shrubs making it virtually disappear into the landscape. No snow shoveling is ever required anywhere in America. WE AVERAGE 17 FT OF SNOW A YEAR WHERE THIS HOUSE WAS ORIFINALLY DESIGNED.
    A totally unskilled crew can learn how to construct the shell after two complete building cycles. Carpenters, plumbers, and electricians are needed for windows, doors, and interior work with a very short learning curve to adjust to the few subtle differences from building with wood. Interior design is very flexible and cost effectiveness is on par with any other system, even factory built. (No shipping)
    Although we haven’t tried it yet, I’m quite confident that we could shoot these using on-site clay as in adobe or stamped earth construction. Questions? Russ Dodge at 906-482-8368

    or russdodge@aol.comussdodge@

  • 8 Dara // Mar 30, 2010 at 4:47 pm

    I thought readers may be interested in a documentary called “Growing Greener Schools” which will air on PBS World stations on Sunday April 25 at 7 PM EST, 4 PM PST as part of the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day Week. The documentary marks the first time anyone has taken a comprehensive look at the green movement in America’s schools and how it affects the 55 million people in them everyday.
    You can see a preview clip of the documentary at, a comprehensive website offering videos, resources, and an upcoming community forum uniting everyone across the country concerned with this issue. You can also follow the Media and Policy Center, which produced the program, on Facebook and Twitter.

  • 9 Tanis Miller // Dec 6, 2010 at 6:06 pm

    First I would like to say that I love your site and find it very informative and easy to use.

    My name is Tanis. I am writing in regards to our new Documentary How To Boil A Frog, it’s a humorous look at peak oil and other global issues. We are still seeking distribution and could use all the buzz we can get, please check out our web site to see a preview of our film, if you like what you see maybe you could add a link to your page . Our address is check it out and see what you think! If you would like more information or have any questions please feel free to email me.Thanks for your time and have a wonderful day!

  • 10 robert repetto // Feb 27, 2011 at 8:07 pm

    My new book, “America’s Climate Problem: The Way Forward” presents a clear and accessible guide through current climate policy issues for a general readership, and should be of interest to followers of this site. It’s available on Amazon.

  • 11 Kris // Oct 31, 2011 at 1:03 pm

    LOVE this blog! I have been trying to make the hospitals I work with latch onto the idea of sustainable energy. The amount of energy/power it takes for a hospital to run is incredible. Your blog is inspiring and I look forward to reading more!

  • 12 Bleeding Heartland // Mar 24, 2019 at 10:59 pm

    […] A. Siegel is an old-school environmental blogger who has kept the lights on at the Get Energy Smart! NOW! site since […]

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