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Entries from December 2020

Talking U.S. carbon fee: non-fiction or fiction?

December 15th, 2020 · Comments Off on Talking U.S. carbon fee: non-fiction or fiction?

Pricing carbon — imposing a fee for polluting the global commons — is, as probably any economist would be glad to explain, the most straightforward, cost-effective, and efficient tool for effective climate action. Impose a price on anything and markets will respond — even if not as perfectly as a homo economicus‘ response. This rational, […]


Tags: Energy

PEOTUS Biden lives in a far different clean energy world than PEOTUS Obama did

December 1st, 2020 · Comments Off on PEOTUS Biden lives in a far different clean energy world than PEOTUS Obama did

President Elect (PEOTUS) Joe Biden lives in a far different world than PEOTUS Obama did. The differences can’t be summarized as simply Trump Virus (even though that does capture a lot). When it comes to clean energy and climate action opportunities, there are some rather stark — and encouraging — differences between the two eras. […]


Tags: Energy