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Entries from May 2020

Fostering a Rebirth of Expertise: An Iowa Opportunity (Franken for Senate)

May 30th, 2020 · Comments Off on Fostering a Rebirth of Expertise: An Iowa Opportunity (Franken for Senate)

Overshadowed by over 100,000 dead Americans from Coronavirus, demonstrations of outrage about blacks being killed, and Trump’s latest reckless action and menacing tweet, voters are going to the polls and setting the stage for Blue Wave 2020. Iowa’s voters have a real opportunity to set the nation on a better path forward in next Tuesday’s […]


Tags: Energy

Double DSM (squared) for grid management: Google’s new wrinkle

May 13th, 2020 · Comments Off on Double DSM (squared) for grid management: Google’s new wrinkle

Demand-side management (DSM) has long been a tool for electric system management. In short, when power demands start mounting (think hot summer afternoon as air conditioners kick on), the call goes out to registered major users to reduce their demand (from turning off lights to shutting down production lines). Once required much negotiations and pre-arrangements […]


Tags: Energy

#POTH: Michael Moore’s (@MMFlint’s) false choice & a lesson in how not to build a movement

May 12th, 2020 · 1 Comment

In this guest post, CitiSven thoughtfully draws the clear contrast between Moore’s own movement building (enabling, promoting, fostering) documentaries and the Moore ‘executive produced’ (Jeff Gibbs written, directed, produced) movement damaging Planet of the Humans. For dozens more thoughtful examinations of the POTH mockumentary (mockery of a documentary), see Moore’s Boorish Planet of The Humans: […]


Tags: guest post

The absurdity of releasing Planet of the Humans in April 2020

May 11th, 2020 · 2 Comments

Regretfully, too many electrons have been burned delineating the multifaceted failings of the Jeff Gibbs written / edited / produced and Michael Moore promoted Planet of the Humans. This mockumentary (in this case, a mockery of a documentary), sadly, has topped more than 7 million YouTube clicks*. Amid the myriad of problems is the dated […]


Tags: Energy