The classic climate science denial line: it’s cold outside, we really could use some of that global warming … It is such a standard tactic that the Washington Post’s Capital Weather gang, in association with warnings of serious (record-breaking (in many cases)) cold descending on the East Coast, warned against this.
U.S. to be coldest region in world relative to normal over next week. Please note rest of world will be much warmer than normal lest anyone try to claim pocket of cold in U.S. debunks global warming, which they will invariably and irresponsibly do.
— Capital Weather Gang (@capitalweather) December 27, 2017
If anyone on the US East Coast asks “where’s that global warming”, the rest of the world is answering: HERE!

Much of the US is incredibly cold — while the rest of the world isn’t … but let’s say Global Warming doesn’t exist …
To be clear, one moment’s weather situation doesn’t prove climate change … just like a cold weather snap in part of the world doesn’t prove it doesn’t exist. Winter still happens, cold weather records still occur … but winters, globally, are shorter and not as cold. And, when it comes to weather records, they should be roughly balanced between hot and cold weather records — with human-driven climate change, high temperature records (including high lowest temperature) are blowing past cold records to the order of 10-1 globally decade to decade.
Global @NOAANCEIclimate counts on this graphic for 2017.
Ratio of record All-time warm to cold: 8.83 to 1
Ratio of record Monthly warm to cold: 6.17 to 1
Ratio of record Daily warm to cold: 2.94 to 1 @ClimateCentral @MichaelEMann @bhensonweather @capitalweather— Guy Walton (@climateguyw) January 3, 2018
This isn’t ‘normal’ but the result of humanity putting its thumb (or 7 billion thumbs) on the climate scale.
Rational thinking, listening to experts, understanding science are far from the hallmarks of @RealDonaldTrump.
With perhaps dismay at having to wear a sweater while playing golf for something over the 100th time since he occupied the Oval Office, Trump tweeted out …
In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 29, 2017
In addition to ignoring science and celebrating his science denial, its clear that Trump doesn’t follow the Capital Weather Gang and didn’t realize that he was providing the straight man idiot to prove their point yesterday.
From my perspective, a response to Trump:
As @POTUS, you have the best briefers in the world, access to real-time intelligence, even maps …
If you're asked where's the global warming, look at the EFFing map!Your #climate #science denial might have been amusing once, but now it endangers American security. Grow up!
— A Siegel (@A_Siegel) December 29, 2017
Along with literally billions of other thinking humans around the world, as of 6 November 2016, I thought such idiocy was being relegated where it should be — to the dustbins of history. Instead, thank you to abysmal media practices, Republican abusive practices (voter suppression), Russian interference, and …, these anti-intellectual, anti-expert, anti-science fossil fools are occupying the US Federal government and damaging humanity’s ability to set a path to tackle climate change and foster a way forward to a prosperous, climate-friendly future.
The shallow ignorance arrogantly demonstrated by Trump might have been been amusing if coming from a powerless old man sitting yelling at his TV … sadly that is not the case and I am not amused …
- Did not have time/energy to take on Trump’s deceit re Paris Accords (“going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS”) — in short, false on so many levels. (1) other countries investing too; (2) “pay” assumes no return, when the ROI would (will) be multiple times larger than the investment cost due to multitudes of factors other than simply reduced climate risks; and (c), (d), (e), …
- See after fold for a number of related tweets/items. Among other things, others similarly warned that deniers would make hay of cold weather … such as climate scientist MIchael Mann.
- Of particular value, see WashPost’s Dino Grandoni’s After chilly forecast, Trump tweets U.S. ‘could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming’ for some history re Trump’s climate science denial tweets and discussions of the idiocy of Trump’s tweet today.
- For a relevant earlier discussion, see “Where’s the Global Warming?” thought Buffalonian; then they looked at a map.
“Yes, Buffalo is having a massive, massive snowstorm. (And, I do not envy — sympathize greatly with — those who are trying to deal with its impacts — from shoveling massive amounts of snow, to worrying about whether your home will cave in, to …) For too many, that (beautiful) white stuff somehow is a disproving item when it comes to climate change science. To try to explain that, in fact, the snow is related to climate change opens the door for ill-educated mockery. Yet, it is …” - UPDATEs: The outrage/engagement re Trump’s tweet is impressive … 1000s engaging. Two excellent ones.
The tweet made air right after a cold weather story (not my decision).
So I stood up in defense of science. #ClimateChangeIsReal #ActOnClimate
— John Morales (@JohnMoralesTV) December 29, 2017
In the East, it is currently NIGHTTIME. Too bad scientists spent so much time believing the HELIOCENTRIC MODEL OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM instead of preventing Ra, the falcon-headed sun god, from returning the Sun to the underworld!
— Daniel Lin (@danwlin) December 29, 2017
See also:
Hi Donald. I anticipated we'd get a moronic tweet from you on this topic so I tweeted this earlier today with you in mind:
— Prof Michael E. Mann (@MichaelEMann) December 29, 2017
For climate change deniers getting very excited that it's cold outside at the end of December, here's the ratio of hot extremes to cold extremes in the U.S. over the past 365 days. It exceeds 3 to 1.
Via @ClimateSignals (— Prof Michael E. Mann (@MichaelEMann) December 28, 2017
Washington Post’s weather reporters yesterday vs Donald Trump today.
— Dan Diamond (@ddiamond) December 29, 2017
After chilly forecast, Trump tweets U.S. ‘could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming’, by @dino_grandoni
— Capital Weather Gang (@capitalweather) December 29, 2017
North America right now: WHERE'S THAT GLOBAL WARMING?
Everyone else:
RIGHT HERE#climatechanged— Brad Johnson SUBSCRIBE TO HILLHEAT.NEWS (@climatebrad) December 29, 2017
2 responses so far ↓
1 Climate Change & Security: 2018 Iranian edition // Jan 3, 2018 at 4:38 pm
[…] to the last, amid Trump’s apparent belief that ice cubes in the freezer disprove climate science, Team Trump is unlikely to recognize how human-driven climate change is a serious contributing […]
2 Global Warming is a hoax: I froze on the soccer field in record cold temperatures // Jan 8, 2018 at 2:02 pm
[…] It was cold enough to — as Donald Trump would like you to understand — to prove that climate change is simply a Chinese H…. […]