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Imagine: Wyoming + Vermont + Alaska + North Dakota + South Dakota w/out power for 3-6 months

September 22nd, 2017 · Comments Off on Imagine: Wyoming + Vermont + Alaska + North Dakota + South Dakota w/out power for 3-6 months

Imagine what America discourse might look like if five states faced a climate catastrophe with a projection for weeks — even months — without electricity. What would their Senators and Representatives be doing? Would this be top of the news cycle? Would cable news and newspapers filled with stories showing elderly sitting the dark; discussing […]


Tags: Energy

Energy Smart & Secure Communities: Key to smart Harvey/Irma/Maria relief/recovery/reconstruction

September 22nd, 2017 · 2 Comments

When it comes to the post disaster space, where I spent a decent amount of time working with military forces trying to figure out how to be more effective in such situations (whether post natural or man-made disasters), there was a major ‘lesson’ that many came to in the 1980s and 1990s: effectiveness (in saving […]


Tags: Energize America