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SWEDISH FISH GOING EXTINCT: Energy Smart @SenJeffMerkley w/fundraising email of year (for #climate champions)

October 31st, 2016 · Comments Off on SWEDISH FISH GOING EXTINCT: Energy Smart @SenJeffMerkley w/fundraising email of year (for #climate champions)

For the past decade, Energy Smart Jeff Merkley has been one of the steadiest and most thoughtful voices on climate change. Not surprising that what might be the best Halloween fundraising email, certainly the most climate-oriented one, came from him as he warns us that “Swedish Fish [are] going extinct …” From: Senator Jeff Merkley […]


Tags: Energy

#BeforeTheFlood: Powerful @LeoDiCaprio #Climate travelogue truly must watch, must absorb

October 31st, 2016 · Comments Off on #BeforeTheFlood: Powerful @LeoDiCaprio #Climate travelogue truly must watch, must absorb

My Energy/Climate Bookshelf is far more than a shelf, it is bookshelves.  Add in the 10,000s of papers, studies, blog posts, and my exposure in this arena is, well, easy the equivalent of a small library.  When I sit down to watch something on energy, on climate, I therefore sit down jaded … is this REALLY […]


Tags: climate change