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Entries from October 2016

SWEDISH FISH GOING EXTINCT: Energy Smart @SenJeffMerkley w/fundraising email of year (for #climate champions)

October 31st, 2016 · Comments Off on SWEDISH FISH GOING EXTINCT: Energy Smart @SenJeffMerkley w/fundraising email of year (for #climate champions)

For the past decade, Energy Smart Jeff Merkley has been one of the steadiest and most thoughtful voices on climate change. Not surprising that what might be the best Halloween fundraising email, certainly the most climate-oriented one, came from him as he warns us that “Swedish Fish [are] going extinct …” From: Senator Jeff Merkley […]


Tags: Energy

#BeforeTheFlood: Powerful @LeoDiCaprio #Climate travelogue truly must watch, must absorb

October 31st, 2016 · Comments Off on #BeforeTheFlood: Powerful @LeoDiCaprio #Climate travelogue truly must watch, must absorb

My Energy/Climate Bookshelf is far more than a shelf, it is bookshelves.  Add in the 10,000s of papers, studies, blog posts, and my exposure in this arena is, well, easy the equivalent of a small library.  When I sit down to watch something on energy, on climate, I therefore sit down jaded … is this REALLY […]


Tags: climate change

While enjoying sandals in DC during October or garden salad in January, remaining aware of climate threat

October 19th, 2016 · Comments Off on While enjoying sandals in DC during October or garden salad in January, remaining aware of climate threat

It is mid-October in the Washington, DC, suburbs and like most of the nation — much of the world — we are in a heat wave. Rather than bundling up in sweaters, a more appropriate fashion selection involves shorts and sandals.  It is, to say the least, incredibly pleasant to wander outside in such balmy weather […]


Tags: Washington Post

Ashamnu: we have transgressed on climate change

October 12th, 2016 · Comments Off on Ashamnu: we have transgressed on climate change

Yom Kippur … the Day of Atonement. After the period of reflection and engagement with others between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, this is a moment to turn to internal considerations and the relationship between the individual and G-d. As part of the prayers for the Day of Atonement, the Vidui, the Al Cheyt or […]


Tags: 2016 Presidential Election · Energy

Amid #climate drought during #debates, #coal worker given stage–w/o disclosure

October 10th, 2016 · 4 Comments

Ken Bone is an internet sensation.  Red sweater and all.  Lost amid the hoopla, for virtually everyone, is that he actually asked a substantive question about an issue arena that literally touches everyone of our lives every single day of our lives: energy policy.  Even less realized, essentially hidden by the debate moderators — partially […]


Tags: 2016 Presidential Election

#KenBone becomes famous — and not for asking a non-#climate question

October 9th, 2016 · 4 Comments

The second 2016 Presidential debate just finished and a new meme is emergent: #KenBone. Sadly, Ken Bone is more likely to be remembered for his red sweater, disposable camera, and other attributes rather than the substance of his question: ANDERSON COOPER We have one more question from Ken Bone about energy policy. Ken? AUDIENCE MEMBER […]


Tags: 2016 Presidential Election

Echoes of 2008 energy discussion in 2016 VP debate: Looking above shoulders or down between legs

October 5th, 2016 · Comments Off on Echoes of 2008 energy discussion in 2016 VP debate: Looking above shoulders or down between legs

Now Governor Jay Inslee served as a surrogate, on energy issues, for then Senator Barack Obama during the 2008 election. In that role, Inslee provided one of the least-heralded (in my mind) but most important ways of looking at the 2008 election: John McCain thinks that when you look for energy, you look under your […]


Tags: 2016 Presidential Election · coal