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Entries from April 2015

Lieutenant General’s Green Army

April 7th, 2015 · 1 Comment

This guest post comes courtesy of DWG …. Hurricane Katrina revealed the power of nature and the incompetence of the Federal Emergency Management Agency under Michael Brown. The storm shredded the Gulf coast and breached the levees protecting New Orleans, leaving 1883 people dead, 2 million homeless, and the city in chaos. It took the […]


Tags: Energy

Solar Price Decline Pause (The escalator version …)

April 7th, 2015 · 1 Comment

Around the world, solar prices are simply collapsing. With double-digit year-to-year growth rates and double-digit year-to-year price drops, solar electricity is reaching grid parity (and better) in new markets with virtually every passing day. For a long time, those fighting clean energy have argued PRICE! PRICE! PRICE! Those (including myself) arguing for the necessity for […]


Tags: solar · Solar Energy

On a 35th anniversary, revisiting why we trusted the “most trusted man in American”

April 3rd, 2015 · Comments Off on On a 35th anniversary, revisiting why we trusted the “most trusted man in American”

Many Americans recognize that the introduction of the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards was a key tools to reduce US oil demand in face of OPEC’s emergence and the various oil embargoes.  While today liquid fuel (oil) and electricity have minimal overlap in most of the developed world, few recall that oil once provided a […]


Tags: climate change

Mind blowing: watching trains wash by like fishing floats

April 3rd, 2015 · Comments Off on Mind blowing: watching trains wash by like fishing floats

CBC Video: Trains Bobbing Like BoatsAs (some) Americans pay attention to Califonia’s worsening drought (with the occasional media reporting (correctly) linking the worsening conditions (at least in part) to climate change impacts), climate change influenced impacts are felt elsewhere in the world.  Few Americans have ever heard of Atacama, Chile. And, many would have a hard […]


Tags: climate change

Jonathan Franzen’s @NewYorker diatribe re #birds & #climate change is for the birds

April 1st, 2015 · 5 Comments

The New Yorker has been a bright spot, in many ways, in the media disaster that has been global warming reporting. Elizabeth Kolbert is not just a beautiful writer, a pleasure to read, but insightful and thoughtful about the climate crisis and energy issues. (See, for example, her wonderful The Island in the Wind.)  From […]


Tags: Energy

“We’re really sorry about this huge misunderstanding.”

April 1st, 2015 · Comments Off on “We’re really sorry about this huge misunderstanding.”

Turns out that the 97% of climate scientists supporting the consensus on climate warming was simply the most elaborate prank in world history, with the world’s scientists collaborating for decades simply for the laughs. Sorry about the misunderstanding …   


Tags: Energy

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