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Imagine Life Differently … An Independence Day Resolution for us (U.S.) all

July 5th, 2012 · 3 Comments

Global Warming … Peak Oil … fabulously famous Fourth of JulysFinancial meltdown … these all threaten our future prospects, our ability to see a positive future reality for ourselves and descendents.

George Herbert Walker Bush lies at the core of a driving motivation in my life.

President Bush was facing a reelection battle against Bill Clinton, and so advisers persuaded him to attend the world environmental summit in Rio de Janeiro, possibly the most optiistic moment in recent history. Before he went, however, he told a press conference that “the American way of life is not up for negotiation.” If that’s true, if we can’t imagine living any differently, then all else is mere commentary.

One thing that unites the progressive blogosphere is the drive to imagine a different life, a different world, a better one, a better path forward … and we all, in our own ways, fight to achieve those visions.

Twenty years ago, the first President Bush stated that “the American Way of Life is not up for negotiation”, showing an inability to imagine catastrophe from non-negotiation and an inability to see something better. Without imagination to see a better future and the power to achieve it, we will not progress out of catastrophe to prosperous sustainability.

An Independence Day Resolution:

Imagine that better path


Fight to achieve it.

And, I imagine life differently and it energizes me to fight to Energize America toward a clean energy future that will enable us (not just U.S., but all of us) to navigate the treacherous seas of catastrophic climate chaos.

The above quote comes from the 2006 paperback edition of Bill McKibben‘s The End of Nature. Put simply, all Americans should read The End of Nature. For a strengthening of our polity, High School ‘global citizenship’ programs should return and have this as part of the reading list to help foster an understanding the interactions of our lives with those around us (human and otherwise), today and into the future, and how these feed back to affect our own lives (out into the future).

The End of Nature is about Global Warming. Published first in 1989, McKibben wrote the first mass accessible book about Global Warming. “The End of Nature” refers to McKibben’s (convincing) thesis that atmospheric changes due to CO2 (and related GHG) emissions have eliminated the concept of “untouched” wilderness and wrecked the notions of the constants of nature so central to core concepts of the world. (And, if serious in 1989, over 20 years later we are in a far worse situation requiring serious action to figure out a path not just to slow emissions but to return to 350 ppm.) McKibben calls on us (US) to think differently to try to avert the consequences he (and many experts) saw looking into the future.

In particular, my “imagine life differently” focus relates to Peak Oil and Global Warming. My casual concerns over these have turned to varying levels of fear and utter terror as I try to comprehend the world that we (collectively) are creating for ourselves and the future. I am learning ever more about the feedbacks and interconnections that are such a part of The End of Nature.

Bill McKibben’s article, Energizing America, appeared in the Sierra Club magazine in January 2007. McKibben, not for the first, time specifically called out the Energize America for praise (page 3)

a detailed 20-point plan they call “Energize America,” a remarkably comprehensive energy strategy that pays full attention to political reality. [Developed in 2006,] the plan proposed ideas ranging from the Passenger Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Act and the Wind Energy Production Tax Credit Act to measures designed to boost telecommuting, experiment with state renewable energy efforts, and put solar panels on 20 million roofs. It’s precisely the kind of full-blown proposal that, if adopted, might fundamentally reorient our energy future.

Reality check for a moment. The Energize America proposal is dated (after all, we developed it at a time of full Republican control of Congress and the Oval Office, where any ‘green action’ at all seemed a rather long shot concept — and as a sign of dated, the Energize America lost control of its website … sigh ..). Energize America’s targets are inadequate, its funding a shadow of what is necessary, and there are some very strong elements which merit adoption … and others that we are ready to walk away from. But, Energize America was important as a milestone in the open-source development of credible policy concepts and structures.

We strove to imagine life differently.

I am a pessimistic optimist.

My pessimism envisions an extremely bleak future (sadly within far too near a term future), with terrifying economic (political, global, and perhaps conflict) havoc from Peak Oil and mass damage from Global Warming capped with a horrible die off to come.

My optimism drives a belief that I (that we) have something to say about this future. That we have the potential to change our path as per a talk given  in 2007

I am a CarboHolic. My last full tank was two days ago, my last plane flight a day ago, and I am beginning to feel withdrawal staved off by the CO2 emitted for the electricity to be on the web.

Let us face facts. … Take a moment to put together a list of the top ten challenges for humanity for the 21st century. Your list might include global economic growth, health issues, hunger, environmental destruction, climate change, water, terrorism and others. When considering such a list, there is at least one common thread. All are worsened by a future dominated by an expensive, uncertain, unevenly available, polluting energy system. And, all will face eased solution with a future dominated by a clean, sustainable, readily accessible, fairly distributed, and reasonably priced (if not inexpensive) power solutions.

At this time, the United States is hurtling toward the cliff like Thelma & Louise, but we’re in our Hummers rather than a convertible. And, we are dragging the world … and future generations … behind us, bound hand and foot by our dangerous habits and shaky energy structure.

My name is A Siegel. And, I am a CarboHolic.

Unlike President Bush, however, we are able to get past that first step in a twelve-step. We recognize the problem. And, we recognize that we are not powerless — we have the ability to change, to take control of the situation, to turn ourselves away from that addiction. We decided to figure out what we (as individuals, communities, and country) could do about it.

And, we are acting to seek that change. To end that addiction. To set the path to Energize America for a sustainable and prosperous energy future.

In my life, From the Home to the Globe, I am striving to do my part to affect this change. Whether putting insulation in my roof, participating in The Climate Project, or communicating to others (including via blogging on Voices on the Square), I am striving to turn us away from that cliff.

As part of those efforts, nearly six years ago, I accepted … actually, I embraced DannyInLA‘s Challenge.

Three years ago, I promised to and now again repledge to diligently challenge those who seek to maintain a path hurtling over that cliff, whether that is inefficient Christmas light displays, McSUVs, not recyling aluminum cans, challenging astroturf or Global Warming enablers (like Robert J Samuelson or George Will, systematic journalistic malfeasance, and otherwise). I will CHALLENGE those who threaten a path toward a Prosperous, Climate-Friendly Society.

I take up Dannyinla’s Challenge TO CHALLENGE those who do not comprehend the reality of the threats that Peak Oil and Global Warming portend for us, US, and the future.

I will take up that challenge TO CHALLENGE falsehoods, deceptions, and truthiness about energy and Global Warming threats and opportunities.

I will take up that challenge TO CHALLENGE us all to imagine new and better paths forward, in an integrated conception of options to develop something better.

For example, I am absolutely fed-up with all the reactions, all too often, from the ‘progressive’ blogosphere about gasoline taxes.

Now, I am not a true believer in a gasoline tax (a Global Warming Impact Fee makes more sense) but, the American “Way of Life” must be open for ‘negotiation’ or else we are calling into question the potential for even having a ‘way of life’ that is worth living for tomorrow’s Americans (or, the later years of today’s Americans — both are true).

But, my reaction to ‘gas tax is impossible … is immoral because X, Y, Z’ is “if that is true, if we can’t imagine living any differently, then all else is mere commentary.”

We must change and a gasoline tax might be part of the package for making the change. We can figure out how to use the revenues to fast convert charities, government, people lower on the economic scale to lower-GHG (better fuel mileage) transportation. We can use the revenue in many ways, but exemptions; forget it, we want everyone (EVERYONE) to be seeking ways to cut their requirements for GHG-related fuels. Exemptions cut at that incentive.

And, that same principle applies to pollution permits in any potential Cap and Trade program. Giving away permits (any permits) undercuts, by definition, effectiveness toward achieving a cleaner and survivable future economy.

And, I will be extremely happy to see the end of subsidies (direct and indirect) to oil, coal, etc …

But, I can imagine life differently and I am terrified at the world that we are creating at a head-long pace. Global Warming … devastating economic prospects in coming years … Peak Oil.

I cannot any longer leave stand any comment about ‘gasoline taxes are regressive’. Not anymore.

Is there any “tax” more regressive than the damage that we are doing to the globe and the dangers it creates for the potential of human life in the years ahead?

Politically inconvenient? Perhaps. But what is politics about but striving to create a better polity for all, and a better polity that is improving into the future? Without a meaningful confrontation of both Peak Oil and Global Warming, that future will not be better.

Nor can I leave stand comments about ‘this is beyond us’ or ‘we can’t do anything’ or … I refuse. … Instead, I accept. No, I embrace Dannyinla’s challenge to Challenge.

And, I pledge to

Imagine Life Differently …

Imagine it Better …


Seek to create that better life …

Join me in this pledge.

383359478_3dd94a0fdf_m.jpgWe can all help make


Energy Smart.Ask yourself:

Are you doing your part to


to a prosperous, climate-friendly future?

Tags: Energy

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 John Crapper // Jul 6, 2012 at 9:58 am

    I was feeling pretty pessimistic lately about all of this. Just got back from Nicaragua and seeing life from a much poorer side yet striving to achieve our super-consuming lifestyle makes one feel that way. You have hit the nail on the head in so many ways with this post. The problem is us and if we don’t change our personal thinking and actions we don’t have a prayer. 1984 and double-think is alive and thriving in the progressive bloggesphere too. We have our own brand of denial going on (myself included). I’ve been for a gas tax for a long time. It needs to happen along with meat rationing and outlawing NASCAR and coming to grips with the fact that we can no longer afford to produce anything that can be sold. We need to think of wealth creation in terms of new renewable energy creation and resource preservation instead of consumption. We need to promote the desirability of adoption over having your own children and provide incentives for people to choose this route. We need to put massive, sustained political pressure on our elected officials to take bold action. I will take the pledge. There are so many things that should and could be changed but first we need to change our mindset. Thanks for the inspiration and attitude adjustment!!

  • 2 Marcia // Jul 22, 2012 at 3:50 pm

    Paul, I thank you for your words again.As we contemplate what hnaeeppd at COP15 I think we could do well to ponder Thomas Kuhn and his thoughts about the dynamics of scientific paradigm shifts. He suggests, if you recall, that these shifts are discontinuous and never come from adding bits at the edges of the existing paradigm (my paraphrasing). Kuhn proposed that the new paradigm emerges when the evidence accumulates and shows that the old paradigm is not meeting our needs. And as you indicate – this condition is being met. The second condition he suggests is the new way (paradigm) being described by others, who are able to make this conceptual leap, so those who have not yet made the conceptual leap, can ‘see’ what it will be like. What I love most about your post Paul, is that it starts to create a vision of the future. More accurately, you envision a transition to the new paradigm. I suggest that we need more visioning – lots of it by many people (in local communities if at all possible)! The visioning will provide something people can move towards and allow a ‘letting go’ of the old paradigm. Maybe what we hoped for at COP15 was a solution that was really a fiddling at the edges of the old paradigm – a quick fix. And so was doomed anyway – it was never the ‘real deal’. Maybe what may emerge now (and would have emerged at some point anyway, because it has to), in the chaos of adaption at the edges different systems (and nations) as you describe it, is the real paradigm shift.We have a belief that change should be planned and orderly, but my understanding from the organisational world, is that real, successful and sustainable change, is in fact, emergent and chaotic – even if people make it sound like it was a planned path after the event. So let’s get used to working with people’s passion and enthusiasm at the grass roots (this is where the real energy is); let’s get used to the idea that the future is unpredictable over time and geographical space; let’s get used to ‘not knowing’ the entire pathway to the new future; and let’s all get used to taking some personal responsibility for our collective future.Many thanks to you Paul – hope you have a great break and return in 2010 as vibrant as ever!

  • 3 “best is a future free of fossil fuels”: @DevalPatrick inspires @UMass // May 10, 2014 at 4:49 pm

    […] is time to “imagine a better way” and create that “best future free of fossil […]

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