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Vote For Energy

January 4th, 2012 · 3 Comments

Today, the American Petroleum Institute (API) opened yet another astroturf campaign — sort of, considering massing amounts of public advertising in the nation’s newspapers — advocating that Americans “Vote for Energy“. API’s concept of Voting 4 Energy is pretty straightforward: continue subsidizing polluting fossil-foolish policies that are bankrupting the nation. (Consider the roughly $1 billion / day for oil imports at this time with $trillions having left the country to foster 21st century Arabian peninsula infrastructure rather than modernize America’s schools and hospitals, fix our sewers, and …) API doesn’t want Americans to Vote 4 Energy smart politicians, but wants Americans to embrace anti-science syndrome concepts that will hinder achievement of a livable energy system.   API seeks to assure an Energy Stupid America rather than using its significant clout to help foster policies to strengthen and enrich the nation.

True Energy Voters will look beyond the price at the pump and consider the full implications of our energy system with the potential payoff for pursuing Energy Smart policies. A rather simple example?  Why not a Five Percent Plan. The 5p2 concept is pretty straightforward:  target five percent reduction in oil and coal use (with five percent reduction of carbon emissions) every year, indefinitely.  And, target five-percent unemployment as part of this within no less than five years with remaining at that level (or below) indefinitely after that.  The Five Percent Plan‘s targets might seem outrageously ambitious yet they actually are quite achievable and would foster a more secure and prosperous nation — even if it would threaten API’s concept of Voting For Energy. If we follow API’s Energy Voters concepts, our nation will continue to be roiled by international oil markets (with increasing demand bumping against constrained supplies with other nations (other nations’ growing wealthy and middle classes) able to bid higher to fill their McSUVs than what the average American can afford), will continue to have to deploy our military services to protect oil supplies/supply lines, and will continue to dig the hole deeper when it comes to climate change.  Americans, however, can vote for energy smart policies.  Laying before Americans something like the Five Percent Plan would provide a real choice.  Rather than the economic doldrums and environmental disasters (E2D2) that API’s advocated policies would foster, The Five Percent Plan would mean that by 2030 the United States will:

  • End, 100%, oil imports.
  • End, 100%, the burning of coal for electricity
  • Reduce climate emissions by 60+ percent from 1990 levels
  • Improve the US trade balance by five percent of gross domestic product (due to eliminating oil imports)
  • Cut health care impacts from fossil fuel use by 50%
  • Improve productivity, per decade, by at least 5% above ‘business as usual’
  • Cut employment below 5% by 2015 and maintain unemployment levels below 5% through 2030.

And … well … additional benefits.

When it comes to your “Vote For Energy”, is there really a choice?

Tags: 746 · Energy · politics

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 “I vote for energy …” // Jan 4, 2012 at 5:09 pm

    […] Vote For Energy […]

  • 2 Charli // Feb 27, 2012 at 1:57 pm

    Yes, I vote for energy….

    Okay. So do I.

    And that’s gas, oil and COAL.

    Wind or geothermal or solar or biomass or hydropower don’t count in your energy world?

    What about energy efficiency (negawatts, negagallons)?

    We have enough resources here in the USA to supply all of us with energy and not rely on foreign products.

    Actually, Charli, this is far from certain on multiple counts if you stay within your ‘dirty three’.

    But, well, it seems clear that the ‘external’ costs of fossil fuel health impacts on our children, increased fetus mortality, reduced productivity, environmental damage without mentioning climate change are simply irrelevant to you.

    Do you care about the 10,000s of asthma cases due to coal emissions, mercury reducing the average IQ, filling of Applachian streams, etc …?

    I have been a Democrat all my life, but I, as well as many others, are sick of Obama and his EPA….

    “his EPA” Actually, I would call it ours.

    Charli are you aware that the Clean Air Act has cost an astounding $500 or so billion dollars to implement over the past 40 years? That is a huge number by anyone’s accounting. I assume that you view this as a horrible cost.

    I, on the other hand, view this as an “investment”. And, as “investment”, we should think about the ROI (return on investment). While the value streams of that cleaning of America’s air will continue for decades to come (through, for example, lowering the chance that you will die prematurely), the ROI to date for that $500 billion? Somewhere in the range of $20+ trillion.

    Hmmm … a 40-to-1 return on investment is something pretty attractive to most of us considering how well retirement accounts have done on Wall Street over the past decade.

  • 3 Yes oil for job,s // Mar 1, 2016 at 6:33 pm

    We need jobs in louisiana

    Yes to jobs.

    Plenty of paths to create jobs (paths, paths, paths, paths, …) that are not destructive in the near, mid, and long term — that are actually part of building a stronger and more prosperous society.

    Note: We should have some clarity as to reasons why Louisiana is in such trouble.

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