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Congressional Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency EXPO

June 16th, 2011 · No Comments

One of the more interesting energy events in DC each and every year (for 14 years running), the Congressional Renewable Enegy & Energy Efficiency EXPO exposes Congressional staff and (some) members to a range of intriguing (and potentially explosive) technologies, companies, and associations as well as truly top-notch thinkers meriting serious attention.

This session is on, right now, in the Cannon Office Building (right by the Capitol South Metro) and this post is rather short as I am about to head over there (after completing a morning meeting).

If you’re in the DC area, this is worth your time.

See Sustainable Energy Coalition announcement. Press release is below the fold.

14th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency EXPO + Forum



Efficiency + Renewables = Economic & National Security!


Thursday – June 16, 2011


Cannon House Office Building


U.S. House of Representatives



The 14th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency EXPO + Forum is being hosted by the House Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus, with the Senate Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus as honorary co-host, and in partnership with the Sustainable Energy Coalition, the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition, the House Algae Energy Caucus, the House Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Caucus, the House High Performance Building Caucus, the Green Jobs Caucus, the Congressional Peak Oil Caucus, and the Oil and National Security Caucus.



This year’s EXPO brings together nearly sixty businesses, sustainable energy industry trade associations, government agencies, and energy policy research organizations (see list & floor plan – pp. 4-5) to showcase the status and near-term potential of the cross-section of renewable energy (biofuels/biomass, geothermal, solar, water, wind) and energy efficiency technologies.  The noon-time program features Members of the U.S. Congress and Executive Branch spokespersons while throughout the day speakers from among the exhibiting firms will discuss the role sustainable energy technologies can play in meeting America’s energy needs.



57 Exhibits Open for Viewing


9:30 am – 4:30 pm


Caucus Room – Room #335: including Entrance Area & Side Room – see floor plan (page 5)




Presentations by Members of Congress


Caucus Room – Room #335;  11:30 am – 12:30 pm 


Moderator: Scott Sklar, President – The Stella Group, Ltd.


Sen. Mark Udall, D-CO


Rep. Chris VanHollen, D-MD


Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-MD


Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, R-WA


Rep. Brian Bilbray, R-CA


Rep. Peter Welch, D-VT


Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-MO


Rep. Betty McCollum, D-MN



Presentations by Executive Branch Officials


Caucus Room – Room #335;  12:50 pm – 2:15 pm


Moderator: Scott Sklar, President – The Stella Group, Ltd.


12:50 Heather Zichal, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change


  1:03 Jackalyne Pfannenstiel, Assistant Secretary for Energy, Installations and Environment, U.S. Navy


  1:16 Philip D. Moeller, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


  1:29 John R. Norris, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


  1:42 Henry Kelly, Acting Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy


  1:55 Sharon E. Burke, Assistant Secretary for Operational Energy Plans and Programs, U.S. Department of Defense


  2:05 Marc Spitzer, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission



Presentations by Exhibitors


Veterans’ Affairs Committee Room – Room #340


Moderator: Carol Werner, Executive Director – Environmental & Energy Study Institute


9:30 am – 11:20 am;  2:20 pm – 4:20 pm


(see schedule – pp. 2-3)



FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the Sustainable Energy Coalition, 6930 Carroll Avenue, #340; Takoma Park, MD 20912; 301-270-6477 x.11; Founded in 1992, the Sustainable Energy Coalition is a coalition of 23 national business, environmental, and energy policy organizations supporting development of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies.


Did You Know?  America’s economy has tripled in size since 1970 and three-quarters of the energy needed to fuel that growth came from energy efficiency advances – yet, much more can still be done. The economies of Japan and several European countries are about 50% more energy-efficient than the U.S.


Did You Know? Up through the early 1970s, U.S. total primary energy consumption and real GDP increased at nearly the same annual rate. However, since then, due to investments in energy efficiency, primary energy consumption has grown at less than one-third the previous average rate while real GDP growth has continued growing at its historical rate, leading to an annual 2.8% decline in energy intensity.



Did You Know? By applying “best practice” efficiency changes to buildings, vehicles, and industry, 75% of global energy use could be saved. In the United States, a $476 billion investment in just smart grid technologies could yield up to $2 trillion in benefits.



Did You Know? For every $1 million spent on energy efficiency, 2.5 – 8.9 person-years of employment are generated. In fact, in 2010, appliance, equipment, and lighting efficiency standards generated 340,000 jobs.



Did You Know? The U.S. energy efficient residential heating, ventilation, and air conditioning market is projected to grow from $5.38 billion in 2010 to $8.15 billion in 2015 – a compound annual growth rate of 8.6%. Moreover, fluorescent and LED lights will account for over three quarters of the U.S. lighting market by 2020.



Did You Know? Combined heat and power systems produce almost 8% of U.S. electric power; save building and industry owners over $5 billion/year in energy costs; and decrease energy use by almost 1.3 trillion BTUs/year.



Did You Know?  According to the Energy Information Administration, in 2011 renewable energy sources are now providing nearly 12% of domestic U.S. energy production and 13% of net U.S. electrical generation.


Did You Know? New global investment in clean energy reached $243 billion in 2010, up from $186.5 billion in 2009. Last year’s investment figures double those from 2006.



Did You Know? Renewable energy industries employ 850,000 – 950,000 Americans through a combination of direct, indirect, and induced jobs.



Did You Know? The U.S. solar energy industry’s total market value grew 67% from $3.6 billion in 2009 to $6.0 billion in 2010. In total, 878 MW of photovoltaic capacity and 78 MW of concentrating solar power were in installed in the U.S. in 2010. In parts of the United States, solar has already reached parity with grid rates.


Did You Know? America’s wind power industry grew by 15% in 2010 to over 40,000 MW and provided 26% of all new electric generating capacity in the country – second in new generation capacity only to natural gas. Costs for wind-generated electricity are now on par with coal-generated power with some wind farms cost-competitive with natural gas.


Did You Know? The geothermal industry is developing 146 projects across 15 states. The total installed geothermal capacity of the U.S. is 3,102 MW, enough to power over 2 million American homes. Global geothermal power capacity could increase 134% by 2020.


Did You Know? The ethanol industry’s 211 biorefineries across 29 states increased annual production by 23% in 2010 to 14.31 billion gallons. Advanced biofuels capacity could hit 718 million gallons this year. Ethanol production contributed $53.6 billion to the gross domestic product in 2010 and employed more than 70,000 Americans.


Did You Know? Hydropower now provides 7% of the nation’s net electrical generating capacity. The country has tremendous potential to add capacity to existing non-powered dams as 97% of about 79,000 dams in the United States are not generating any power.


Did You Know? The fuel cell market is growing rapidly and is projected to reach the market size of $4.2 billion by the end of 2012. Moreover, cumulative sales of fuel cell vehicles could surpass the million-unit milestone by 2020.


Did You Know? Hydrogen is the lightest element yet it has the highest energy content per unit weight of all the fuels – three times the energy of a pound of gasoline. Hydrogen generated from diverse domestic resources can reduce demand for oil by more than 11 million barrels per day by the year 2040.






Moderator: Carol Werner, Executive Director – Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Tags: Energy

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