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Fossil Fuel Investigations Overwhelming Federal Resources?

April 28th, 2010 · 1 Comment

In the face of a range of front-page disasters, various agencies have stepped up their investigations of fossil-fuel industries. There are serious investigations going on of natural gas fracking. The deaths in West Virginia have led to ramped up Federal mine inspections, with more aggressive action, which is following announcements for more serious analysis of […]


Tags: Energy

Pre-empting Our Future: Why we MUST Defeat Kerry-(Graham)-Lieberman

April 28th, 2010 · 1 Comment

While remaining uncertain as to just how bad it is, the concerns that KGL will cross the line from mediocrity to counterproductive are increasing. Here is a guest post from Craig Altemose laying out how he sees that line having already passed. For the past year and a half or so, I have been largely […]


Tags: catastrophic climate change · climate change · climate legislation · environmental · government energy policy