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Partying with Green Tea?

April 26th, 2010 · 2 Comments

Tom Friedman has set out a leading position in the media landscape on the need for Green to be the new Red, White, and Blue. He has made articulate — and forceful — arguments underlying the basic national security (and economic) reasons for moving forward with an aggressive clean energy program across the United States. In his Sunday column, he takes this into the Tea Party domain. Among the tea partiers, anti-science syndrome climate denial is rampant. Friedman puts that aside in arguing that the Tea Party would be well served, and true to many of its ‘members’ underlying beliefs, if it transformed itself into the “Green Tea Party”.

“We, the Green Tea Party, believe that the most effective way to advance America’s national security and economic vitality would be to impose a $10 “Patriot Fee” on every barrel of imported oil, with all proceeds going to pay down our national debt.”

Put aside the issue of environmental considerations and the challenges of climate change, Friedman attempts to seize the nationalistic (if not isolationist / jingoist) chord within the Tea Party movement to lay out an agenda for why they should embrace a path toward cutting oil imports.

This works, imo, to a point.

Where Friedman — and this argument — fails is that cutting oil imports doesn’t necessarily have to rely on sound, sustainable paths forward. While “Drill, Baby, Drill” is a chimera in terms of serious impact on addressing America’s energy challenges, do we expect the Tea Party movement to embrace hybrids or oil platforms? Are Tea Partiers more likely to promote electrification of rail or devastation of vast parts of North America to squeeze oil for their SUVs out of tar sands and oil shale?

Friedman understands that limitation and thus asserts that a “Green Tea Party” should emerge from a radicalized center, which recognizes the health, national security, economic, environmental, and other benefits from moving forward with a clean energy future.

If we put a Patriot Fee on all of those imported barrels, we would use less, cease enriching bad regimes, strengthen our own dollar, make the air cleaner and the climate more stable, foster the exploitation of domestic and renewable energy sources, promote electric vehicles, help bring down the global price of oil (which hurts Iran and helps poor Africa), and we could use the revenue to shrink the deficit. It’s win, win, win, win, win, win …

Indeed, the Green Tea Party could say, “We’ve got our own health care plan — a plan to make America healthy by simultaneously promoting energy security, deficit security and environmental security.”

“Think about it,” said Carl Pope, the chairman of the Sierra Club. “Green tea is full of antioxidants,” which some believe help reduce cancer and heart disease. “It’s really good for your health.” And a Green Tea Party, he added, could be good for the country’s health “by harnessing all of its energy and unconventional politics” to end our addiction to oil.

Yes, I know, dream on. The Tea Party is heading to the hard libertarian right and would never support an energy bill that puts a fee on carbon.

So if there is going to be a Green Tea Party, it will have to emerge from a different place — the radical center, a center committed to a radical departure from business as usual.

Mistakenly, Friedman links the (semi-)suspended Kerry-Graham-Lieberman to this radical shift, “a radical departure from business as usual.” Everything leaked to date suggests otherwise, that the compromising after compromising after compromising looks to create the fig leaf of change while lining the pockets of the nation’s serial polluters. (While it would be great to be surprised that this is not the case, the indications are not positive …)

Friedman is right. There are so many wins to be seized with a clean energy future … understanding the extent of opportunities before us suggests that we face a problem like Goldman Sachs cheering the failures of the housing market: what are the financial and political interests secretly cheering their short-term gains as they help drive the nation (and the planet) into catastrophic climate chaos?

Tags: climate change · environmental · Global Warming

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Tweets that mention Partying with Green Tea? -- // Apr 26, 2010 at 11:18 am

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ClimaTweets. ClimaTweets said: [Get Energy Smart] Partying with Green Tea?: Tom Friedman has set out a leading position in the media landscape on… […]

  • 2 JeffM // Apr 27, 2010 at 12:31 am

    We Need a Clean Energy Manhattan Project, not Cap and Trade laws. If manmade global warming is causing harmful climate change, why is the government spinning our wheels on taxing carbon? The government has done nothing to develop alternatives to fossil fuels. Until they do, nothing positive will happen. Windmills and solar panels cannot produce reliable 24/7 energy. Biofuels pretend to save energy as they consume our food supply and use as much fossil fuel to manufacture it as it saves.

    The world runs on cheap energy… fossil fuel. Are we going to switch to generating electricity using natural gas, a “cleaner” fossil fuel, instead of “dirtier” coal? That would be an awfully expensive sub-optimization of the real solution: development of clean 24/7 energy. Is the government going to pretend that selling energy credits on Wall Street, that by throwing $billions ($trillions?) into the pockets of big corporations going to make the switch to clean energy sources that don’t even exist? Is the government going to wait for some obscure inventor to discover the new energy source while tinkering in his garage? The government hasn’t even given us a coherent National energy policy.

    A Manhattan style R&D effort must be undertaken by the government to open the way for this to happen. We did this during WWII with the development of the atom bomb. Then, in 1961, President John F. Kennedy proclaimed the National goal to put a man on the moon within the decade. In 1961, with massive funding to NASA, we put a man on the moon. There was no crisis… Kennedy did it because he wanted to one-up the Russians.

    I say we should employ the best scientific brainpower we have to find the needed 24/7 clean energy. I say that President Obama should declare, in 2011, that it is the goal of the United States to find this new energy before the decade is over. Forget Cap and Trade and all of its sinister variants. We need to focus on finding the Holy Grail of clean, 24/7 energy… but only if we’re serious about eliminating fossil fuels.

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