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“Values Voters organizers are either unaware, or simply don’t care”

September 21st, 2009 · No Comments

When it comes to global warming and climate change, the recent “Values Voters” conference represented a hot spot of anti-science syndrome. Take a look at this “Breakout session” with a talk by Dr. Calvin Beisner in the “Cabinet Room”.


Why did the President’s science advisor support coerced abortions to protect the planet?

Why are top abortion funders underwriting efforts to co-opt evangelicals on global warming?

If “people are the problem,” what’s the final solution?

Cap and trade is about more than saving the planet. It’s the biggest tax hike in American history. It threatens to concentrate massive amounts of power into the hands of central government and international bureaucrats. And its ascendancy marks the rise of a new, more subtle challenge to the culture of life.

Ultimately, climate change hysteria rests on an unbiblical view of God, mankind, and the environment. Come and hear how the Cornwall Alliance is pushing back–producing ground-breaking studies on Biblical environmentalism, educating pastors and churches across the country, and activating thousands of Christians to rally against the hype through the Campaign. Learn why policies to fight alleged man-made global warming will instead cause hundreds of millions of premature deaths throughout this century, and how human liberty, responsibility, and flourishing are the key to a healthier environment.

The scientific analysis of climate change and the changes that we are seeing (that are ever-better documented) represent “an unbiblical view of God, mandkind, and the environent”? If someone had said, absent this description, “Biblical Environmentalism”, I would have thought it soemthing to do with stewardship.)

Clearly, those who discuss stewardship and the mandate to take care of the Earth are, according to Beisner, a-religious, unChristian people.

As Steven Andrew comments,

An ‘unbiblical view of God’ likely alludes to the view most famously expressed by Rep John Shimkus (IL – R) that climate is controlled by God and therefore, unlike every other phenomena on earth, divinely exempt from being affected by human activity (How do we know this? Because the fringe right says so, that’s how!). In an astonishing lucky break for the energy industry, free will and thermodynamics are miraculously thwarted when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions.

In a rather sympathetic discussion, Ambrose highlights that these “Values Voters” are being deceived by truthiness from fossil-foolish interests leading to this:

The Values Voters organizers are either unaware, or simply don’t care, that many conservatives, including George Bush, have now stated they accept that climate change is occurring and that some of it might be due to human activity. It’s textbook right-wing denial, married with a heaping helping of hypocrisy to frame climate change as part of a ‘pro-death agenda’ that will cause ‘hundreds of millions of premature deaths’ while implying that it’s the climate scientists who are blinded with hysteria.

Tags: climate change · climate delayers · environmental

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