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Attn Barack Obama: A guide to dealing with kindergarten bullies

September 14th, 2009 · 10 Comments

Tommaso Boggia provides, in this guest post from Campus Progress, some thoughts from the sand box that Barack Obama might find useful to deal with Glenn Beck and other little people throwing tantrums running around kicking sand in people’s faces.

On November 4th 2008, young people propelled President Obama to victory with a clear mandate to advance a progressive agenda. Unfortunately things have not been going as well as we would have hoped. Right wing bullies, led by the deranged Glenn Beck, have been relentlessly pushing Obama and congressional Democrats around like kids in a playground. From delaying health care reform to the recent resignations of key progressives in the administration, our new found hopes are rapidly reverting to distant dreams.

It is time for President Obama to start dealing with the bullies who are threatening to take him down. Unfortunately, it seems like he does not yet know how to do this, despite having been an avid comic book reader (and thus a likely victim of bullies) and having sharpened his political mind in Chicago. As someone who has been pushed around a good amount as a kid and having done some pushing around myself, here are some pointers for how President Obama (hereon little Obama) can avoid losing more ground to the likes of Glenn Beck (hereon big bad Beck).

Big bad Beck is a bully through and through. His rocky childhood gave rise to deep paranoia, a bipolar personality, delusions of grandeur, and deep-seated anger at people he perceives to be different than him. He consciously and repeatedly attempts to cause psychological harm to little Obama, mostly by spreading false rumors, making threats, using put-downs and encouraging his base to take up arms. Big bad Beck’s attacks are not just criticisms of little Obama’s pet projects. His attacks are meant to destroy Obama’s spirit, self-esteem, and popularity and to get back at him for winning the elections by a wide margin. It must be said that, as Dr. Gary Namie (author of “The Bully at Work”) says, “Good employers purge bullies, bad ones promote them”. Fox News and talk radio stations are complicit in big bad Beck’s “bullyism” by providing him a bullhorn to spread his slanderous and deranged rumors.

It must be said that big bad Beck’s behavior is perfectly normal for a bully, especially one in the kindergarten playground spanning from New York’s media rooms to Washington D.C.’s halls of power. The unusual aspect of this bullying dynamic is that little Obama is passively taking all the blows. As states,

“Bullies tend to bully kids who don’t stick up for themselves.”

There are two things you absolutely do not want to do when a bully tries to make your life a living hell: you do not want to ignore them and you do not want to give in to their demands. Unfortunately little Obama did just that and let Beck rant about his green jobs adviser until he felt compelled to resign. Big bad Beck gained strength, resolve, and a more active following and Obama was left wondering who among his administration was going to be targeted next. Now little Obama is not just at the mercy of big bad Beck, but also of every other conservative pundit, blogger, and politician who has been paying attention to how easily little Obama retreats and gives in. It is only a matter of time before his allies will become impatient, disillusioned, and less willing to stand up for their friend. This is a vicious cycle that leads little Obama right where the big bad bullies want him: friendless, cornered, and vulnerable. Needless to say, this is exactly what progressives need to avoid at all costs.

So, how can little Obama stop his descent in this downward spiral? And how can progressives help him? First of all, little Obama needs to gain some self-confidence. Were he a pimply, pudgy middle-school kid, he might want to sign up for a gym membership, but little Obama is all grown up and has vast support from the American people. All he has to do is take a quick glance at any of the polls showing that Americans still overwhelmingly support him, especially when he stands strong on the progressive priorities he campaigned on. Or he could look at polls revealing that young people are less likely to re-elect senators who intend to vote against a climate bill or for health care without public option. If I were little Obama, I’d frame these polls and hang them up in my office alongside the results of the 2008 elections. They should make him think twice before giving in to another conservative talking head or one of their crazy town hall, tea-bagger minions.

Little Obama might also want to enroll in a self-defense class. No, I’m not talking about martial arts here; I’m talking about communications self-defense. Little Obama should review tapes from the previous administration and notice how everyone in the executive branch and congressional leadership stuck to the same talking points, regardless of how absurd or false they were (e.g. “Iraq is a threat to America!”). The Bush administration managed to have a simple and common response on almost every issue that came up and thus shifted the media’s attention to wherever they wanted it. Unlike Bush, little Obama has the truth on his side, so there is not anything wrong with repeating it over and over ad nauseam. If little Obama learned how to defend himself he would be more prepared next time big bad Beck launches another smear attack.

Little Obama needs to keep his friends close, not throw them under the bus as soon as big bad Beck launches his attacks. When bullies are allowed to speak out unchallenged, they gain strength and followers. If little Obama had let his friends speak out against the smears, it would have opened floodgates for more people to stand in support of the truth. Showing bullies that you have more friends than them, thus humiliating them and robbing them of their perceived power, is possibly the strongest tool to stop the attacks. Bullies thrive on the complicit silence of onlookers while the target becomes increasingly isolated.

Thankfully, not all of little Obama’s friends are sitting idly by. An incredible campaign by has successfully weakened big bad Beck by robbing him of 62 of his show’s most generous supporters. They stood up for their bullied friend and achieved some impressive results, but until little Obama learns to stand up for himself and stop giving big bad Beck victories, this barrage of attacks is unlikely to end. The truth is that big bad Beck’s power is an illusion, and the man behind the curtain will be revealed as soon as little Obama shows his power by not letting bullies push him around and by passing bold progressive legislation to set our country straight. The improvements will be visible and bring big bad Beck’s deranged paranoia into the spotlight.

But he can’t do it alone! Now is the time to strike back against Glenn Beck, to let him and his corporate enablers know that young people are still watching and actively organizing to take power away from the bullies and put it back in the tools of our democracy. Young people have overwhelmingly voted for progressive change, and we expect President Obama to deliver. President Obama — will you deliver the change that we elected you to bring about, or are you going to let bullies destroy the dreams of our generation?

Tags: Energy

10 responses so far ↓

  • 1 dww44 // Sep 14, 2009 at 10:02 pm

    Hey, this piece should be delivered directly to President Obama and his staff, particularly his press secretary. Great piece and absolutely true. It ‘s advice the President should follow to the T.

  • 2 muldoon // Sep 15, 2009 at 8:40 am

    Much as I would love to see President Obama land a solid one on Beck’s nose, my advice would be to stay classy and leave it up to your friends to duke it out with the ankle biter.

    In my 32 years in the teaching trenches, I’ve seen a lot of Becks up close and personal. Outside of their own hangers-on, nobody likes them. For Obama to personally call Beck out on his behavior is to descend to Beck’s level and thereby grant him increased credibility and status. Which is not to say that others should refrain from giving the little shit a good thumping.

  • 3 Phil Philiben // Sep 15, 2009 at 8:49 am

    The problem is how does the President fight “Beck BS” without elevating him to his level?

    Perhaps, to start with, by not accommodating Beck/et al with letting top-notch people resign or not fighting to keep the Senate from voting to cut off funds from a single organization without a hearing or investigation or … Need to defend, not abandon, your supporters … at the minimum, assure them their ‘day in court’.

    Surrogates? – sure, but it’s a fine line. Communications experts much smarter than me should be able to come up with a way.

  • 4 dhex // Sep 15, 2009 at 10:41 am

    excellent. it’s narratives like these that help you convince yourself that it’s not the democrats being what they are, but rather their being hostages to mean people on tv. who are all puppets of the corporations.

    So, what are you implying by this “dhex”? That “Democrats being what they are” is to seek to work with people, to foster decision-making that is inclusive, and that in domestic politics, Democratic politicians suffer (and our overall democracy suffers) through a natural inclination to seek to work with and engage others, rather than fight (belittle, demean, distort the record of) political adversaries?

    not the corporations that gave obama money, of course, but the bad ones.

  • 5 slag // Sep 15, 2009 at 12:12 pm

    I think it’s wrong to say that Glenn Beck’s attacks are about Obama. Just as it was wrong to say that Rush Limbaugh’s attacks were about Clinton. The reality is that these attacks have always been about liberals and liberalism. And I think liberals would be wise to see them that way and respond accordingly.

  • 6 olo // Sep 15, 2009 at 12:53 pm

    You’re so correct !
    From my experience as a little kid who got bullied but tried to fight back — always unsuccessfully
    but then,,, I learned how to really fight and fuckin’ hospitalized the next poor schmuck bully who tried to punk me. (made up for decades of humiliation :))))
    I met him a few years after the rout & asked him why he sucker punched me –
    The prick actually said he “…didn’t think I would fight back.”

    Somebody needs to teach Obama how to fight, & maybe shoot too.

  • 7 How Not To Lead | // Sep 15, 2009 at 1:21 pm

    […] this argument for months, but Digby linked to a great post, which makes the case in another way. Read it: … There are two things you absolutely do not want to do when a bully tries to make your life […]

  • 8 dhex // Sep 15, 2009 at 1:32 pm

    So, what are you implying by this “dhex”? That “Democrats being what they are” is to seek to work with people, to foster decision-making that is inclusive, and that in domestic politics, Democratic politicians suffer (and our overall democracy suffers) through a natural inclination to seek to work with and engage others, rather than fight (belittle, demean, distort the record of) political adversaries?

    implying? i am outright stating that:

    a) the failure to follow every single one of your hopes and dreams is a failure of your understanding of the situation as it actually is; not their (rather obvious) aims and goals, and certainly not the end effect of a looney tune dude who shouts on tv.


    b) that your dichotomy of republicans as grand masters of evil and democrats as gentle, kind forest folk barely able to understand all the shouting and yelling and meanspirited big city ways is perhaps a bit off. (check out the revenge motifs in your own comments section, for starters, or the popularity of olberman and maddow.)

    even more baldly, let me put it this way: glenn beck is an excellent tool for obama and co.; so are these narratives where the democrats are just helpless puppies, and one of the most powerful men to have ever lived is getting “bullied” by a guy on tv. it’s boiling things down to something akin to what sports writers do when spinning the playing of games into a grand guignol of life and death. such methods are great for entertaining people – or “energizing the base” if you’re dealing with true believers – but not too hot at explaining whys and hows.

    to be charitable, the essay was sophomoric (in the literal sense) and is most likely a good explanation for how he feels on the inside when seeing things he cares about get mocked by an intentionally polarizing figure. it’s good to be in touch with one’s feelings, but perhaps not as good as being aware of how one’s feelings distort impressions of the world and it’s workings.

  • 9 My Wife the Town Slanderer // Sep 21, 2009 at 3:02 am

    OK, so lying down and taking it is a clever strategy. You speak from experience, I presume?

  • 10 Crooked Mayor // Feb 16, 2011 at 8:50 am

    My most groveling apologies for the OT.

    I wonder if My Wife the Town Slanderer has access to the relevant tapes (.flv’s?) from Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-in. I’ve been wanting to see that sketch for at least 15 years. (“It would have to be someone who is completely without ethics!”)

    If so, here’s my spam-tolerant email address:

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