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Bridging a Black-White Divide: Kudos to NWF and NAACP

July 14th, 2009 · 4 Comments

Let’s face facts, to far too many, for far too long, “environmentalism” has seemed a lilly-white activity, something for people with enough resources to engage in caring about the environment. And, in some ways, there is some truth to this perspective. As Jerome Ringo put it in I joined the Louisian WIldlife Federation in 1991. […]


Tags: climate change · environmental · environmental justice · Global Warming

OMG!!!! Climate Models Might Be Wrong!

July 14th, 2009 · 2 Comments

Expect lots of global warming denier screaming headline titles about a new paper on climate modeling and the press release on it from Rice University.  The title of that press release: Global warming: Our best guess is likely wrong Unknown processes account for much of warming in ancient hot spell “Global warming: Our best guess […]


Tags: carbon dioxide · climate change · Global Warming

Sarah “Energy Expert” Palin: Ready to lead America away from science and back into the past

July 14th, 2009 · 2 Comments

Amid many astounding and bizaare themes of the 2008 election, one of the most absurd came from the Republican Party’s determined efforts to cast Sarah Palin as one of the nation’s top energy experts. Putting aside the 10,000s (if not 100,000s or even millions) of Americans who are more knowledgeable of energy issues, Palin demonstrated […]


Tags: Energy