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Making some green by Going Green: NRDC Electricity Analysis re ACES

June 24th, 2009 · No Comments

The CBO pessimistically reported that it could cost American households as much as a postage stamp, per day, to begin the process of tackling climate change via the (overly weakened, not nearly as cost-effective and effective as possible) Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy and Security (ACES) Act.  This, of course, was trumpted as good news, even as CBO understated the benefits that would derive from ACES which, by definition, left the bill more costly to citizens than it likely will be.

NRDC just came out with an analysis of electricity prices (pdf here) which points to the another “positive” that highlights the disingenuous nature of many of the attacks on climate legislation from fossil foolish interests. The NRDC modeled the Waxman-Markety bill, including its energy efficiency and consumer protection provisions, and found that the bill would led to an actual reduction in the average monthly electricity bill. In fact, they find that electricity bills would be lower in 46 of 50 states compared to “business as usual” policies. And, even in the remaining four states, monthly electricity bills would still be lower than 2007 (adjusted for inflation) due to overall energy policy.

While the Waxman-Markey ACES is far from the legislation that it should be and far from what is required to turn the tide against Global Warming’s rising seas, arguments that it will “cost” to much are simply false and part of fossil-foolish scare tactics to undermine any and all efforts to tackle climate change.

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