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Energy COOL: A VIBE of clean energy

May 14th, 2009 · 1 Comment

Since diving into the deep end when it comes to energy issues, almost every day sees new fascinating concepts, approaches, and technologies.  Fascinating … exciting … even hope inspiring at times.  And, as well, as the passion builds, so many of these are truly Energy COOL.

Today, courtesy of the Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, I’ve encountered an Energy Cool way of looking at, researching, organizing, and learning from information on energy systems, developments.  Currently in Beta Form, the Virtual Information Bridge to Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (or, VIBE) is

a new portal that gets users to a wealth of energy efficiency and renewable energy (EERE) information, data, and analysis tools.

Starting off with two arenas (markets & investments, transportation), the NREL VIBE team is seeking to build an open source portal, enabling access to verified (verifiable) data and analyses from around the government (and around the world) on energy issues. Not just open source, but also customizable for individuals, organizations, and communities to meet their own needs and interests … and to evolve with them in face of a changing world and changing needs.

This afternoon, however, I had the chance to speak with several NREL staff at the Environmental and Energy Study Institute‘s 12th Annual Congressional Congressional Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency EXPO + Forum who spoke with me about the flexibility and vision for developing VIBE. They spoke with a passion that gave great vibes about VIBE’s future.

Taking at look at the Transportation section, it took just a moment, for example, to find the biodiesel gasoline station in Northern Virginia inside the Beltway: that is, the gas station right by the Pentagon. (Only one in Northern Virginia compared to many in the Maryland suburbs by DC?) A problem, however: “Transportation” is, evidently, currently defined as automobiles since there is nothing about buses, planes, trains, public transport, or cycling. Walking did get a mention as interestingly, the NREL staff have given the thumbs’ up to at least one website (Energy Watcher) with a tip to walk. Energy Watcher has interesting posts and discussions re energy efficiency. Provided are some downloads, such as a good template for household energy use along with a recommendation to calculate BTUs per square foot as a handy measure to be able to measure relative energy efficiency. Writ large, by the way, the household discussed is rather far from a net-zero home. Like most American residences, it looks prime for some belt-tightening.

The market and investment section provides a quick path to find about what sectors are getting investments.

Let’s be honest. This is a beta version and there are only limited data sets in place. The interface is straightforward, the layout attractive, and the potential seems wide open. Check it out and feel free to provide feedback and thoughts to improve VIBE.

Tags: Energy · energy cool

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