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Climate Warriors Wearing Green on the Hill

April 24th, 2009 · No Comments

Warriors come in many forms and styles, and fight many battles. This week, amid a week of House Energy and Commerce Committee hearings on the Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy and Security ( Act, a group of concerned citizens have sought to insure that concerns over the American economy’s vitality and the viability of future American prosperity have a visible presence.

These climate warriors are mobilized (empowered) by the same people who brought over 10,000 to Washington, DC, a few months ago in Power Shift 09, the Energy Action Coalition. All week long, members and staff have seen Green hardhats in the room, by impassioned, knowledgeable and engaged young Americans seeking to help create a secure America for themselves and their generation.

Today, in the face of a last minute notice that Eco-Fraud Newt Gingrich would testify, these climate warriors recognized a challenge and engaged: arriving at the Hill well before dawn, today’s hearing was filled with green helmets.

Armed with bright green t-shirts, hard hats, and placards, the young climate activists called for a clean energy economy and real solutions to global warming, while publicizing Mr. Gingrich’s close ties to the dirty coal and oil industries.

Now, in his formal submitted statement,

Gingrich … has the nerve to start with a quote from George Orwell and then utter the most Orwellian statement of our time, “it should be no surprise that I care deeply about and am committed to the protection of our environment.”

his testimony is a sorry retread of the GOP’s failed energy plans of christmas past. and a little party to sell some books.

Tags: Energy · politics