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Rush’s Hot Air … heats the globe

March 10th, 2009 · 5 Comments

Many in the Republican “base” found John McCain an outrage, his policy views and perspectives abhorrent, not least of which that he deigns to consider reality in stating that Global Warming is a serious issue meriting attention (even if his policy prescriptions aren’t enough).

Well, what does the Glorious Leader of the Republican Party have to say about this?

“Despite the hysterics of a few pseudo-scientists, there is no reason to believe in global warming.” Rush Limbaugh, 1993

Ah, words that could warm the cockles of even the cold heart of George “Will-ful Deceit” Will.

It is time to ask a simple question of Mitch McConnell, John McCain, John Boehner, and other Republican leader: When it comes to basic the basic realities, the challanges, the science of Global Warming, are you with US or with Rush?

“Despite the hysterics of a few pseudo-scientists, there is no reason to believe in global warming.” – Rush Limbaugh, Jan. 1993

That’s right. The Academies of Science of every leading nation are filled with “pseudo-scientists”. The American Meteorological Assocation, American Physics Society, … all “pseudo-scientist” organizations. Phew. Glad that we have Rush to fill in the blanks for us (for the US), no?

Of course, we shouldn’t hold Rush to account for words from over 15 years from now, should we? After all, the world has changed, science has evolve (oops, “evolution”, another one of those “pseudo-scientist” concepts), our knowledge and understanding has increased. Well, as for Rush …

“Man-made global warming is a hoax.” – Rush Limbaugh, January 2009

Bloviating Rush has a serious case of ASS (anti-science syndrome). And, Rush seems intent on assuring that the Republican leadership is similarly afflicted.

“I am skeptical that mankind is causing global warming.” – Rep. Joe Barton, Ranking Republican on Energy & Commerce Committee, Feb. 2009

Of course, as a proud and dedicated fossil fool, the inability to absorb basic science isn’t so surprising.

Of course, where would be in this discussion without a mention of the Senator from Exxon-Mobil.

“I called the threat of catastrophic global warming the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” – Sen. Jim Inhofe, Ranking Republican on Environment & Public Works Committee, Jan. 2005

Now, not all Republicans, not all Republican leaders are diagnosed with ASS, at least when it comes to Global Warming.

“I believe global climate change is one of the most important issues that we will face this century.” – Gov. Charlie Crist, June 2007

“Florida’s future growth and economic strength depends on how we address climate change, and we know we can reduce greenhouse gases by using fewer fossil fuels and more natural energy sources like solar.” – Gov. Charlie Crist, Dec. 2008

Florida has been doing good, even serious work in developing a long term play to shift its economy toward a lower carbon basis.

“As of today, California is going to be the leader in the fight against global warming….I say the debate is over. We know the science, we see the threat, and the time for action is now.” – Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, June 2005

It is time to diagnose, publically, ASS-sufferers and put them where they should be when it comes to the discussions of how best to tackle the challenges and opportunities of Global Warming: aside. “We know the science” … the question is not the science, but policy: how best to address the situation.

And, it is time to ask a simple question of leading Republicans on what is most likely the most critical issue for humanity in the 21st Century: Are you with us or with Rush?

Tags: climate change · climate delayers · Global Warming · global warming deniers · politics · republican party

5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Jim // Oct 5, 2009 at 12:02 pm

    When the sun cools in the future the global warming might keep us from freezing to death.

    How many millions of years are you talking in terms of “sun cools”?

    In terms of solar cycles, we are talking potentially 100s-1000s of years to have a major cooling. You want to have unchecked catastrophic climate change with warming in case that cooling comes?

    And, by the way, we are in the hottest decade in recorded history even amid a relative low solar radiation period: solar radiation doesn’t explain the past 30 years or so of global warming.

    Is the sun cooling? Ask the global warming experts, they seem to know everything.

    Actually, “science is about breaking things” — about questioning and testing. To date, despite real efforts ‘to break it’, the Scientific Theory of Global Warming, with the driving factors of CO2 and other human-derived GHG, is the best explanation for what we are seeing globally.

    Stop simply spreading ignorance.

    Are you willing to bet humanity’s future on your certainty that you are right and the National Academies of Science is (and basically all other leading scientific associations are) wrong?

  • 2 Jim // Oct 5, 2009 at 6:17 pm

    I freely admit my ignorance regarding the sun’s cooling cycle I don’t know if it will cool or not do you? are you willing to risk all of humanity freezing to death?

    Jim — show me any serious scientific work that suggests that humanity faces a risk of “freezing to death” in the near (next several centuries) future.

    Thought so. Can’t.

    Global Warming is a Scientific Theory — if you don’t understand what that means, looks it up. While Scientific Theories can be proved wrong, it is a rather dangerous gamble to bet against them and the work of 1000s of scientists especially when one is so ready to “freely admit … ignorance”.

  • 3 Jim // Oct 6, 2009 at 7:11 am

    Show me the Scientific Theory on the suns cooling cycle for the near future.

    Your willingness to show your anti-science syndrome credentials is quite amazing. What is a “scientific theory” is a question that you might to look at.

    show me anything involving the near future (lottery results would be ok) It wasn’t even a Consideration when the earths warming cycle was studied.

    Huh … again, you are continuing to demonstrate your ignorance. Do you really think that solar cycles, solar radiation, etc have not been part of the scientific analyses and discussions? Why not try actually reading through some of the IPCC work, for example …

    This feel good I’am saving the world stuff is for weak mind”s. Now be honest, you are ignorant of all subjects involving the near future. You have no idea what the next 100 years will bring.

    Tolerance for posting this ignorance is done. Don’t bother commenting unless you plan to bring substance to the table.

  • 4 Jim // Oct 6, 2009 at 3:14 pm

    scientific theory for this site is a government grant get a real job. peace out

    The ignorance and arrogance of these comments is quite amazing and pitiful.

    And, as a visitor, your rudeness is worthy of contempt.

  • 5 Jim // Oct 6, 2009 at 4:37 pm

    Ok you win you have my arrogant contempt, but then you always had it.

    Goodbye … Come back when you can bring knowledge and facts to the discussion rather than shallowly rude ignorance.

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