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Energy Smart Possum

August 5th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Amid skyrocketing oil, gasoline, coal, and electricity (coming to a neighborhood near you) prices, 2008 offers Americans quite serious and stark choices between knowledgeable, impassioned, and thoughtful candidates when it comes to finding paths toward a prosperous 21st century economy, on the one side, and Fossil-Fool candidates focused on tightening our shackles to the ever-more costly (pollution, financial, otherwise) and archaic oil-coal based energy system.

Possum was an easy, albeit sentimental, choice for membership in the ranks of the Energy Smart Act Blue page. A fellow blogger, concerned about energy and environmental issues, who has dedicated himself to Crashing the Gate to bring more sensible policy-making, including on energy and global warming, to Washington, DC.

Join me after the fold for some indications as to why.

First the List

The Energy Smart Act Blue page focuses on challengers who offer an opportunity to change the discussion and votes when it comes to energy and environmental issues in Congress. (For a more complete discussion.) In some cases, these are incredibly “Energy Smart” candidates; in other cases, their opponents are incredibly Energy/Earth Dumb, and, actually, they are mainly both at the same time. What is the Energy Smart Act Blue’s core principle?

All of the candidates on this list will help foster a Congress and political climate conducive for more meaningful action toward a Prosperous, Climate Friendly America through dealing with the challenges of Peak Oil and Global Warming.

The citizens of Delaware have the opportunity to help create a better path into the future at the ballot box. First, in this September’s primary and then come November. You, too, can help create that change through pledging your support for Energy Smart Possum.

Energy Smart Jerry “Possum” Northington

When it comes to the challenges we face in the energy domain and global warming, we face a painful reality that none of us are the solution, but yet all of us are. We, as individuals, cannot solve the challenges before us (before the US), but the solutions will not and cannot occur without us. There is no such thing as a Silver Bullet, that will solve everything, but a myriad of Silver BBs that together will turn back Global Warming’s rising tides. We must act — as individuals, communities, business, government and society — to affect this change. And, the necessary changes require tangible individual action and political change. That we must work to make energy cents (sense) from the home to the globe is something that Jerry “Possum” Northington seems to clearly understand.

Possum’s Den

Helped by the existence of good government policy within Delaware, Possum discovered a new passion, a new hobby, as he installed solar electric panels on in his home in June. The new passion: checking out electrical generation from that 2.4 kilowatts of solar panels gracing his home. He took action: putting money where his mouth is when it comes to turning our energy system toward a cleaner future. His action (not just the purchase but also the blogging of the installation and the discussion of this within the campaign, and coming in the House) helps to spark movement forward in this domain, each adopter makes the sale and installation of the next solar power installation easier and more likely. While taking action to match his words with deeds, he recognized the importance of government as a partner with himself and the installer in making this happen:

Thanks to the state of Delaware with their energy subsidy program we were able to put this together.

Moving to a clean energy future has tremendous benefits that are ‘external’ to our traditional (and misguided) accounting of the implications of polluting energy practices. As we strive to foster movement toward that Prosperous, Climate Friendly America, smarter government policies (like Delaware’s) are critical for making progress. This is just one, small, tangible example of how Jerry will bring his personal, direct, experience with the value of smart government policy helping make the right choice the easy choice.

In his own life and at home, the “Possums” have replaced windows and doors, added insulation inside and outside, and are (sadly only) beginning to try fluorescent bulbs. They’re exploring LED lighting and the potential for moving to highly efficent geothermal heating and cooling.

The PossumMobile? A Prius for its fuel efficiency. (Though the Possums would “prefer an Amercan label but there were none in the same mileage class when we bought the car.” Perhaps Representative Possum will be in line to buy a Chevy VOLT?)

Within the State

A few words from Possum:

I have been a steady supporter of the BlueWater wind project. DE is the first state in the nation to have a contract for offshore wind. I believe the state is well positioned to lead in offshore wind. We have a labor base and industrial capacity to make wind turbines for export across the nation.

Delaware is also poised for light rail down the center of the state. We have a major highway corridor which could be adapted for rail service. Sunday bus service was recently begun in DE. We need to expand all our public transportation while we seek alternative fuels for those vehicles.

No single point solution, but clean energy, industrial policy, jobs, and clean transport … just part of his conceptual understanding of our challenges and opportunities.

National Concepts

Jerry endorses an aggressive move toward a clean energy future. He, as do I, that we should embrace Al Gore’s bold call for 100 percent clean electricity within a decade.

Stewardship is key. We are stewards of our world. We cannot forego our responsibilities. We are caretakers, not consumers in the overall scheme of the planet.

This is a philosophy of sustainability, of striving to provide future generations a society and a global ecosystem better than we found it, to think of seven generations, rather than seven years, as we consider our options on energy and face the facts of Global Warming.

Global warming is a reality on our horizon. The polar ice caps are melting. Glaciers are retreating around the world. Ocean levels are rising. …. We have an opportunity to stem that tide if we act now and take major steps. We must reduce our burning of fossil fuels (notably oil and coal). If we fail to act and act soon we may lose more than we can afford to the forces of nature.

The costs before us are, almost literally, incalculable and inconceivable to most of us. We must act to change our path and Jerry offers many fruitful, Energy Smart ideas for doing so.

If for no other reason, and there others, the following paragraph cements my desire to see the swearing in of Representative Possum:

Any and all steps taken must be driven by scientific fact and not by political considerations. Respected scientists around the world suggest target reductions of greenhouse gas emissions by developed nations including the United States to include 25% below 1990 levels by 2020 and 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. These are realistic goals and serve as a fine starting point. I support these beginning goals. This may not be enough in the end, but at least may stave off catastrophic change.

Let science and fact guide our decisions.

25% below 1990 levels by 2020, what the IPCC has called for. Absolutely, Jerry, “realistic goals … fine starting point”.

Too many in Congress are willing to give lip service to far less aggressive and wholly inadequate targets.

Time to replace them with those, like Possum, who recognize that the necessary is also achievable and, well, that we don’t have the choice to do otherwise unless we wish to abandon any reasoned hope of avoiding catastrophic climate change.

A choice to be made

When it comes to this November, Americans face quite serious and stark choices between knowledgeable, impassioned, and thoughtful candidates when it comes to finding paths toward a prosperous 21st century economy, on the one side, and, on the other, Fossil-Fool candidates focused on tightening our shackles to the ever-more costly (pollution, financial, otherwise) and archaic oil-coal based energy system. Will the citizens of Delaware choose the future or the past when it comes time to punch the ballot? We know what the Energy Smart ones will do.

Some Other Candidates with Real Energy Smarts:

Debbie Cook, CA-46

Jeff Merkley, OR-Senate

Scott Kleeb, NE-Senate

Learn more about Jerry / Possum via the Possum Fundraiser discussions, which have included:

OPOL: DE-AL: Standing Up for America (with possum)

Blueness: A Possum in the House

Avila DE-AL: An interview with Jerry “Possum” Northington

Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse Possum’s More than Good Enough

And, more angles and perspectives on why we, as a community, should rallying behind putting a Possum in the House.

Please donate to Possum securely at his campaign website or, recognizing his energy and environmental strengths, via the Energy Smart Act Blue page.

The Possum Fundraiser is a four-day effort for raising money for Jerry Northington, or Possum, who is running in Delaware. Possum’s primary is this September. Possum is a Vietnam Vet and veterinarian who will provide our caucus with a much better Democrat!

Possum 4-day DailyKos Fundraiser
Sunday August 3
3:00 p.m. Al Rodgers
5:00 p.m. Seneca Doane
7:00 p.m. noweasels
9:00 p.m. blueness
11:00 p.m. llbear
Monday August 4
3:00 p.m. One Pissed Off Liberal
5:00 p.m. Avila
7:00 p.m. Elise
9:00 p.m. Patriot Daily
Tuesday August 5
3:00 p.m. OrangeClouds115
5:00 p.m. pico
7:00 p.m. srkp23
9:00 p.m. Magnifico
Wednesday August 6
3:00 p.m. clammyc
5:00 p.m. gildareed

Last, definitely not least, is Melvin at 7 pm Wednesday.

Please ogle the merchandise at Seneca Doane’s DE-AL: Possum photo auction rebooted; need your help! and bid at NION: Jerry “Possum” Northington PHOTO AUCTION FUNDRAISER PAGE!

Tags: Congress · Energy · politics

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Joseph // Aug 6, 2008 at 2:40 pm

    Jerry Northington’s global warming plan is a bold step forward toward a clean-energy future for America. Northington deserves congratulation for confronting the global warming crisis with a strong, science-based policy that will prevent catastrophic global warming, and aid the communities most impacted.

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