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Can We Do It? Yes We Can!

July 18th, 2008 · No Comments

Al Gore has set a challenge: 100% clean electricity, 100%!

Get us (the US, and eventually, all the globe) off coal.

And, determine to do this within a decade.

People are going to scream that this is impossible. They will be wrong.  This is possible, difficult to do in the timeline perhaps, but absolutely possible.  They are wrong.

They will, as with the very mediocre Associated Press story, focus on the cost to buy the infrastructure, rather the overall benefits and the cost to own a renewable electrical system.  By doing so, they will be wrong. This is doing a cost-benefit discussion with only mentioning cost, and not the benefits, the huge benefits from electricity to reduced pollution to improved health to improved security. They are wrong.

Al Gore is setting a target.

Al Gore has laid out an ambitious goal. A goal worth fighting for.  A target to hit that will bring tremendous prizes for all of us in pursuing and achieving it.

Do I agree with 100% of his words? No, not necessarily.

But, let us think about something for a second. We should think of objectives at two levels:

  • Objective: What is what we would really like to have, the ultimate level of capability desired.
  • Threshhold: What is a minimal acceptable level of capability and achievement that is acceptable.
  • Al Gore has sent a target, an objective target: 100% renewable electricity in a decade. This is possible, even though a very serious objective level target. We should have this objective in our mind. It is achievable, even if with difficulty.

    We should set the objective target but we should also understand what is the absolute minimum threshold target for renewable electricity generation.

    Eighty-five percent by 2018, on track to 100%? 75%?  However, President Kennedy didn’t say ‘get Americans near the moon’.  President Roosevelt didn’t speak of nearly unconditional challenges. Leaders set goals, set targets for us, all of the US, to work for, to strive for.  Yet again, Al Gore is showing himself to be a leader and setting an objective worth fighting to achieve.

    We might quibble about the dates and exact priorities, but at the core:

    This is possible!

    This is necessary!

    This is security, economy, health, opportunity … rolled into one.

    Americans should remember that we are, together, Bob the Builder:

    Can we fix it?  Can we do it?

    Yes, WE CAN!

    We, at Energize America, strive together to form a bridge between the policy and blogosphere communities when it comes to energy issues.

    We strive to pursue innovative concepts that will Make the Right Choice, the Easy and Preferred Choice when it comes to energy, whether the individual, business, community, or government.

    We will strive, together, to find enabling path toward a prosperous, climate-friendly society.

    And, even in the face of dire news about Peak Oil and Global Warming, we agree on one thing:  YES, WE CAN!!!

    383359478_3dd94a0fdf_m.jpgAsk yourself: Are you doing your part to ENERGIZE AMERICA?

    Are you ready to do your part?

    Your voice can … and will make a difference.

    So … SPEAK UP … NOW!!!

    Tags: Al Gore · Energy · Global Warming · global warming deniers · government energy policy · green · renewable energy

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