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“Put the Heat on these people” re a Warming Globe, Senator Kerry’s call

November 1st, 2007 · 1 Comment

This afternoon, Senator Kerry held a conference call with a number of Global Warming / energy focused bloggers.  Earlier this week, the Senator gave a speech calling for a Post-Kyoto Global Climate Change approach, as part of his public discussion leadign up to Senator Boxer and he leading the Senate delegation to the global climate change talks in Bali in December. 

Well, today’s conference call was wide-ranging, from challenging the potential for a fruitful Global Warming-related bill while George W Bush occupies the Oval Office to questions about coal sequestration to Cape Wind.

The final question, however, directly asked Senator Kerry what he wants from us, activists in the Global Warming and energy communities. His response:

Put the heat on these people.

What people?  Well, the moderates (both Republican and Democrat) in the Senate who need to be convinced to do the right thing when it comes to Global Warming.

“Pick Your Moderate” 

When it comes to a list, Senator Kerry had a long one once he started.  This included:

  • Maine
  • New Hampshire
  • Gordon Smith, in Oregon
  • Chuck Hagel, NB
  • Norm Coleman, MN
  • Mel Martinez, FL (okay, I read this one with hesitation in his voice)
  • Voinovich, Ohio
  • Corker, TN
  • Kay Bailey Hutchinson, TX (“She evidently has her eye on being governor down there.”)

Senator Kerry emphasized that we should use real issues, the reality of events that are evident in our own lives, to get constituents to pressure these Senators.  But, it is not only recalcitrants, but also to reinforce those, such as John Warner (R-VA), “who are already on board.

“With the drought in the South and all the impacts it is having on people, hunters, fisherman, issues that effecting people day to day, you ought to have a field day.

Thus, his response to the question, “what can we do?” was, “Pick your moderate, such as they are” and pressure them to do the right thing … get their constituents to communicate with them.

Tags: climate change · Global Warming

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 smde // Nov 1, 2007 at 11:16 pm

    The sad reality is that – the climate is changing – but it is nothing that man can cause nor reverse –

    MEasurements of the earth’s magnetic field since 1957 have clearly shown that the earth’s magnetic field has been weakening at a significant rate. There is hard data that shows this – but it is never reported – because – well how can you attack a republican or a business owner for something like that – so the environmental balbitarians (yes – a new termed coined right here ) have said “Forget science! , and they have set out to be pretty hard-core communists instead” and have set out to instill fear and chaos into the political system – in an attempt to grab the reigns of power.
    Their efforts have nothing to do with science
    nor the environment.

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