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The ’08 candidates & the environment …

August 9th, 2007 · No Comments

Grist is running a series on the 2008 Presidential candidates and the environment.  They are taking a look at their positions on environmental issues, with a special focus on climate and energy. How Green is Your Candidate?

For each candidate, there is a summary, an interview, and a detailed fact sheet.  For example, re Hillary Clinton, where the interview went up just today.

Grist has interviews/fact sheets for all the Democrats except Biden. They are seeking to do the same with Republicans, but are not as far along (interviews with several are done, but if you go to  How Green is Your Candidate? only the Democratic Party candidates’ information is up.)

A useful Grist effort if you care about energy and climate issues in your political decisions (which seems likely if you’re reading this).

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