CNBC Europe has a list of Top 50 Low-Carbon Pioneers in Europe.
Some on the list include
- Investments firms. Actually, the first on the list (Low Carbon Accelerator) is an investment firm with a very interesting
- Multi-faceted companies like Acciona, the Spanish firm with a motto of “pioneers in development and sustainability”. On their front page, they have a ticker as to tons of CO2 emissions avoided: 1,810,609 to date and 92,182 tons this week. Acciona Windpower
is investing in the United States, with its first wind turbine manufacturing facility under construction in Iowa, with a plans for this to be producing before the end of the year. It will produce 250 AW-1500 (1.5 mw) wind turbines in 2008.
- On this list is Sterecycle, “a waste management company specialising in advanced systems for the treatment and recycling of municipal wastes.” They claim that their system can recover/recycle up to 80% of domestic waste more efficiently than other systems.
- Tailing up the list of 50 low-carbon firms is is Windsave, a (surprise surprise) wind-turbine company building micro-turbines for the home/small use marketspace.
And, well the list of 50 is interesting and worth consideration …