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WashPost published my LTE re Global Warming Skeptics

January 20th, 2007 · 7 Comments

I made a New Year’s Resolution to Imagine Life Differently … Imagine it Better … and to Seek to Create that Better Life.  As part of that, I vowed to take up DannyInLA’s challenge to challenge non-reality based thinking.

My “area” of focus, however, is Energy and, with linkages, Global Warming.

I have determined not to let Global Warming Deniers stand un-challenged — whether in personal life, the professional world, or in the press … Today, The Washington Post published a letter that resulted from my resolution to challenge …

As I discussed in Global Warming — WashPost fosters disinformation (AGAIN), last Saturday’s Post had an atrocious letter on Climate Skepticism, along with a better letter, under the doubt fostering title:  At the least, the Debate is Heating Up …. This very title feeds directly into the skeptics goal, to foster confusion and an air of uncertainty in the public as to scientific consensus … have no doubt, as has been said by others, perhaps only when it comes to the Second Law of Thermodynamics is there greater consensus in the scientific community than when it comes to agreement that

A. The world is warming globally. And
B. Humanity’s activity (principally, but not solely, burning of fossil fuels) is contributing to this warming.

This is based on facts … reality-based thinking, if you wish. We can debate which actions need to be taken, how fast, what are various priorities for action … but the facts that the world is warming and that humanity is contributing to that warming.  There is no debate and skeptics will be challenged.

Climate Denial That Wilts

Saturday, January 20, 2007; A22

Joseph Parisi’s Jan. 13 letter is classic global-warming skeptic material. Mr. Parisi made statements that foster doubt among readers, but the statements don’t stand up to scrutiny.

Mr. Parisi pointed to an absence of Category 5 hurricanes in the Atlantic in 2006 and the recent snow in Denver as reasons to question the existence of global warming, even though worldwide data show that the 11 hottest global temperature years (since records began in 1861) have been since 1990. As with many such skeptics, Mr. Parisi’s thinking is not global — for instance, he does not mention that there were four Category V typhoons in the Pacific in 2006, including the strongest ever recorded (Ioke).

This brings to mind the fact that about 15 percent of Americans believe that the Apollo moon missions never occurred and were staged on movie sets in the desert. Would The Post, in reporting on the space program, seek to be fair and balanced by giving this 15 percent a voice equal to that of astronauts, astronomers and academic experts? Why, then, give prominent voice to global-warming deniers, who are similarly at odds with facts?

While we reach many here at DailyKos, the reach of newspapers and other MSM is so much greater.  As per the above, we can take our discussions and translate them into MSM discussions and reach so many others … it only takes a few minutes to type that LTE … to the local paper and The Post

ACTION:  You can make comments to this letter.  Please (PLEASE) put some positive comments as Global Warming skeptics might swarm on items like this (as occurred with the The Weather Channel yesterday). Hop over to Climate Denial That Wilts to put in your two cents (in support … please …)


  1. xxx
  1. The definition of a giant in my world is a midget standing on the shoulders of giants.  And, re dealing with Global Warming doubters, if I do any good, it is due to the excellent work of others.  Some other discussions at DailyKos re this topic include: Deviltower’s 12 January Science Friday: There is No Controversy. Re ExxonMobil, see recent diaries by BruinKid (Exxon to cut ties with global warming skeptics! Or so they say), LeftyCoaster (Exxon Condemned For “Manufacturing Uncertainty” About Global Warming), and DaveJ (New Report About Exxon Funding Lies) (last two related to the Union of Concern Scientist’s 3 January 2007 report Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air: How ExxonMobil Uses Big Tobacco’s Tactics to “Manufacture Uncertainty” on Climate Change). For an excellent discussion (with a magnificent graphic) of Global Warming deniers, see Eternal Hope’s More Elephant Dung on Al Gore debunked.  Sfluke discussed why specific weather changes don’t disprove Global Warming in A cooler winter now… the end of Global Warming?. Raines did a great job with Sen. Envi. Cmtee. Comm. Dir./Swiftboater attacks Gore, Global Warming with Holocaust, which spent some time on the recommended list yesterday.
  1. Answer the Call to turn us (US) away from a catastrophic path on Global Warming.
  1. As a ‘bragging’ note, while I’ve had OPEDs in The Washington Post before over the years, this is the first LTE … and the first time I’ve two publications in The Post in the same month (actually, same year).  Last week’s OPED is discussed in My OPED Published re Energy/NIMBY in WashPost today ….
  1. And … Imagine Life DifferentlyImagine it Better … And Seek to create that better life

Tags: climate change · climate delayers · Global Warming · global warming deniers

7 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Post Promotes of Debunked Deception re Hummers vs Prius … // Jun 22, 2009 at 9:03 pm

    […] Having had letters to the editor published in The Washington Post, my experience with the fact-checking process left me impressed … and exhausted. Every point was questioned and challenged, with substantive backing required from the editor before it went into print. Watching the Post editorial page’s (mis)handling of George Will’s Will-ful deception re energy and climate issues, a question emerges: Is it only those who are operating in reality when it comes to climate and energy issues who are seriously challenged to support there assertions. […]

  • 2 If flat earthers had unlimited funds, would we fly around the globe? // Dec 9, 2009 at 4:52 pm

    […] From a LTE that I wrote, published in The Washington Post almost three years ago (discussed here): This brings to mind the fact that about 15 percent of Americans believe that the Apollo moon […]

  • 3 Unpublished letters: Global Warming to boost allergy medicine sales // Sep 5, 2010 at 9:51 pm

    […] I have always written letters and even had many published — just not one every day. WarrenS inspires me to do […]

  • 4 Conspiracy Theorist + Global Warming Denialist: The Missing Link Defined? // Jul 8, 2012 at 9:29 am

    […] has been with those who believe the moon landings were faked in the desert. As per a years-ago letter published in the Washington Post, This brings to mind the fact that about 15 percent of Americans believe that the Apollo moon […]

  • 5 Slight Relief (2012 drought could become biggest since 1936) || Conservation Minnesota // Jul 17, 2012 at 8:48 am

    […] Defined? Here’s an excerpt from “…As per a years-ago letter published in the Washington Post, “This brings to mind the fact that about 15 percent of Americans believe that the Apollo […]

  • 6 Heat Wave Eases; Waldo Canyon blaze 98% contained // Feb 19, 2013 at 5:11 pm

    […] has been with those who believe the moon landings were faked in the desert. As per a years-ago letter published in the Washington Post,” “This brings to mind the fact that about 15 percent of Americans believe that the […]

  • 7 Drought of 2012 May Surpass 1936 // Feb 19, 2013 at 5:19 pm

    […] Link Defined? Here’s an excerpt from “…As per a years-ago letter published in the Washington Post,  “This brings to mind the fact that about 15 percent of Americans believe that the Apollo […]