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Offshore Drilling: We Can Choose Simple Confusion or Outright Lies

August 2nd, 2008 · 8 Comments

Every day it seems gas prices are edging higher. For almost a year, oil prices have increased by one percent per week. A year ago, $100 barrel seemed a nightmare fantasy to many. Today, oil at that price is viewed almost nostalgically — as the good old days. In the face of growing price pressures […]


Tags: democrats · Energy · oil · peak oil · politics · republican party

Disingenuity to Drill the Hole Deeper

July 14th, 2008 · 8 Comments

The push is on, big time. The solution to all of America’s problems, evidently, is to drill, drill, drill.   This is now the Republican mantra as they seem to believe that they have found a winning political issue, no matter what the implications of this “win” might be for America’s future. Let us be clear.  […]


Tags: oil · peak oil · truthiness