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SWEDISH FISH GOING EXTINCT: Energy Smart @SenJeffMerkley w/fundraising email of year (for #climate champions)

October 31st, 2016 · No Comments

For the past decade, Energy Smart Jeff Merkley has been one of the steadiest and most thoughtful voices on climate change. Not surprising that what might be the best Halloween fundraising email, certainly the most climate-oriented one, came from him as he warns us that “Swedish Fish [are] going extinct …”

From: Senator Jeff Merkley <>
Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 2:05 PM
Subject: Swedish Fish going extinct

We don’t need the 3 Musketeers to save our planet.

We don’t need 100 Grand  to fight the Koch Brothers cash.
Climate change won’t hit us over the head like an Atomic Fireball. It’s damaging our planet Now and Later.
When glaciers in the Andes are melting and Swedish Fish are going extinct, you don’t need climate Smarties to tell you what’s going on.
Look, Mr. Goodbar, today is a Pay Day and it’s Crunch time for our Climate Champions running tough races around the country.
To paraphrase President Obama:
Don’t Snicker. Vote!
And have a safe and happy Halloween!

Tags: Energy