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America’s energy sacrifices

July 13th, 2010 · No Comments

We must have cheap energy!

This is a mantra from the right, from blinder-wearing economists, from fossil-foolish interests.

In their calculation of price, however, those chanting the ‘CHEAP’ mantra don’t care to account for ‘externalities’ like worsening Americans’ health, destroying our environment, sabotaging our economy, and threatening our future.

And, well, they simply aren’t ready to account for the cost in blood …

A good political cartoonist combines words and images to lay out clearly issues that can be lost in a flood of words, to bring clarity from amid confusion and complexity.  Matt Bors is a good political cartoonist …

The above cartoon was done by Matt Bors, who has done a number of powerful cartoons re energy/the BP spill.  Bors written commentary with the publication of the cartoon:

Cheap energy is expensive. Whining about environmentalism is free.

Hat tip to jekyllnhyde and recommendation to check out the collection of related political cartoons and commentary in The Week in Editorial Cartoons – The Real Costs of Fossil Fuels.

Tags: Energy · political symbols · politics