It’s snowing in my backyard, the winter coats are out, and it is great to sit in front of the fireplace. Therefore, isolated looks at cold weather ‘proves’ that global warming is a hoax. Right … Of course not.
Fact is that the United States, with each passing decade, sees more records on the hot side and fewer on the cold side. Hint: climate is warming guys.
News from Down Under, while DC freezes, Darwin burns … (actually, that was last year).
According to an Australian “senior climatologist”,
Senior climatologist Dean Collins said the average for the decade — about 22.3 degrees Celsius (72.1 Fahrenheit) — was 0.48 degrees Celsius (0.89 F) above Australia’s 1961-1990 benchmark average and an indication of man-made global warming.
“For the past six decades, each decade has
been warmer than the preceding one,” Collins told AFP.
“To get six, seven decades in a row that are warmer than the previous one — it doesn’t happen by chance. It’s reflecting what’s happening at the global level.”
In 2009, Australia suffered three record setting heat waves, including massive firestorms described as Hell in all its Fury.
It looks, by the way, that Australian data is much like America’s when it comes to record temperatures over the decades:
“Based on the analysis of daily (maximum and minimum) temperature data above and below set thresholds, there are clear upward trends in the number of hot events and downward trends in the number of cold events (over the period 1960 to date), consistent with the background of global warming,”
On the US records, see here
Hat tip AmericaBlog.
1 response so far ↓
1 Cold Weather … the glaring need for context // Jan 10, 2010 at 9:22 pm
[…] on deceit, data cherry-picking, and conveniently forgetting that around the globe, from America to Australia to the Arctic to …., each decade is seeing more hot temperature records than cold temperature […]