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George Will will write about this, right? “cataclysmic and irreversible consequences for the Earth”

November 19th, 2009 · 1 Comment

A two degree centigrade warming of the globe above pre-industrial levels would have serious, some might say devastating, effects across the globe, with a range of serious consequences from weather disruptions to increased droughts (and floods) to extinctions to …  It is not a pretty picture. And, we are essentially guaranteed to hit that level […]


Tags: George Will · Global Warming · research

Clean Energy Jobs: Stimulate Me

November 19th, 2009 · 14 Comments

Official unemployment is above 10 percent in America. Real un- and under-employment nears 20 percent. There is a reason that President Obama will hold a jobs summit and there is reason that members of Congress are speaking of a jobs bill. Ealier this year, Congress passed a stimulus package. It is having an effect, but […]


Tags: cities · clean energy jobs