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To Twit Claire: We Pay You to Do “Really, Really, Really Hard Things”!

November 18th, 2009 · 5 Comments

Dear Claire,

Perhaps the American public, who are paying your salary (and your health insurance and your retirement), might think that your job is to work on the hard and important problems that require addressing.

Emotions can fly high when dealing with hard and important problems.

And, hard and important problems often have people with significant financial stakes in the game, which makes dealing with the problems even harder as people are willing to spend lots of money to protect (or gain) lots and lots and lots of money.

In addition, tea baggers, Faux News, Republican politicians, and others enabled by those special interests ready to spend piles of money to protect their bigger piles of money are ready to make even the slightest item an element of screaming outrage via twisted truthiness (read “Death Panels”).

Thus, to do your job as a US Senator in today’s America, it is time to recognize that dealing with deception and anger is (sadly) going to occur whenever you are serious about doing your job.

Evidently, climate change will just have to wait because you find it hard to deal with hard problems and aren’t willing to recognize the fundamental realities of 21st century American politics.

“After you do one really, really big, really, really hard thing that makes everybody mad, I don’t think anybody’s excited about doing another really, really big thing that’s really, really hard that makes everybody mad,” Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., said. “Climate fits that category.”

Senator, the scientists have been telling us, for a long time, that we’re running out of time to take climate change seriously. The clock is ticking … ominously.

Senator, every day that passes the cost of inaction mounts and the costs of action increase.

Senator, every day that passes leaves America further in the dust in the global competition for leadership positions in the Green Clean Energy Revolution.

Senator, every day that passes the urgency of action intensifies.

Senator, no one is asking you to be excited.

We’re asking you to do your job.


A Siegel
Energize America

NOTE: A reminder, as per To Twit Claire, this post is a reproach (although some might call it a taunt) to some of Claire’s “twitting” habits.

twit (twt)

tr.v. twit·ted, twit·ting, twits
To taunt, ridicule, or tease, especially for embarrassing mistakes or faults.

1. The act or an instance of twitting.
2. A reproach, gibe, or taunt.
3. Slang A foolishly annoying person.
Please also see To be Claire for a discussion of an alternative legislation approach that Senator McCaskill could follow re energy and climate change legislation.
See also:

Tags: climate change · climate legislation · Congress · Energy · energy efficiency · politics

5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 uberVU - social comments // Nov 19, 2009 at 1:49 pm

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by leslieberliant: @clairecmc we want and NEED you to take on the really big, difficult problems, that includes climate change –

  • 2 Rick Cass // Nov 19, 2009 at 8:12 pm

    I know Holy Joe isn’t up to it, but the rest of the Senators should be. Are you all going to let Sen. Byrd put you all to shame?

  • 3 Virgil Alley // Nov 22, 2009 at 1:42 pm

    Senator McCaskills senate salary is 6 times more than what i earn yearly.She deserves more than me but sorry Claire,You have to really,really do the job we elected you to do.I am a voter and tax payer,I am one of your bosses,now quit whining and get to work and remember we can replace you.

  • 4 To Twit Lisa: It isn’t the “Murky Air Act”! // Jan 13, 2010 at 10:11 am

    […] To Twit Claire: We Pay You to Do “Really, Really, Really Hard Things”! […]

  • 5 Hey, Twit Claire, we do not have “50 years” … // Jul 16, 2010 at 12:17 pm

    […] posts, see Twitting Claire and To Twit Claire: Wrong when it comes to CFC.  (On health care, see: To Twit Claire: We pay you to do “really, really hard things”.) Please also see To be Claire for a discussion of an alternative legislation approach that Senator […]

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