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Axis of Perpetuating Pollution: Peabody-Pickens

February 1st, 2009 · 4 Comments

T. Boone Pickens efforts to convince the political leadership to invest heavily in a fundamentally flawed energy concept continue to move apace.

Superficially, Pickens’ $10s (likely over $100 now) of millions expended on advertising, web sites, and otherwise provide a superficially appealing concept:

  • Build wind turbines
  • Use wind electricity to displace gas-fired electricity (about 22 percent of the grid’s power)
  • Use that natural gas to replace imported oil in transportation

So simplistically appealing, with a clarity of purpose put forward by this old oil man in such a compelling manner.

The Pickens Plan has many problems, many flaws, but at the core the worst of all might best be referred to as the Peabody-Pickens Axis for Perpetuating Pollution.

When considering the Pickens Plan, the image that might strike most is wizened T Boone Pickens speaking simply and directly as wind turbines turn in the background. This old oil man speaking the praises of renewable energy. So refreshing, so appealing. Willing to say, directly, that “this is one problem that we can’t drill our way out of.” Are we surprised that prominent Democratic Party leaders have met with and, seemingly, embraced die-hard Republican Pickens with open arms?

The wind turbines might be the most striking image for most, but not me. A very simple pie chart provides, for me, the stark summary of The Pickens’ Plan and why, fundamentally, T Boone’s concepts are so dangerous at their core. [NOTE: due to copyright concerns, image not provided her but can be found at The Pickens’ Plan website.]

It is a very simple pie chart entitled “US sources of electrical generation” with four wedges

  • Coal: 50%
  • Nuclear: 20%
  • Other: 8%
  • And, a wedge pulled out: Natural Gas, 22%

Remember, the basic concept of the “Plan”: use wind power to displace natural gas from the electrical grid and then use that natural gas to displace imported oil.

The problem

That 50%.

The 50 percent of electricity coming from coal-fired electricity remains untouched in Pickens’ concept. Putting aside the issues of the huge fiscal cost of putting in equipment for concentrated natural gas transportation (and it is a high figure, both for vehicles and refueling stations) and the high opportunity costs that ensue (how else could we spend the money). Put aside how natural gas is a fossil fuel, like oil, and we are simply shifting transportation from one limited in reserves and polluting fossil fuel to another limited in reserves and (albeit less) polluting fossil fuel. Putting aside all the other uses for natural gas that have higher value than moving around SUVs (heating homes, making fertilizer, industrial processes). Putting aside all so many other issues, I return to that 50 percent.

Pickens says that Global Warming is secondary to him, but that adopting his plan will move the nation forward on the Global Warming agenda. That 50% puts the lie to his claims. We cannot make meaningful steps forward in mitigating climate change without radically cutting our (and convincing others to radically cut their) coal usage, mainly for electricity.

What T Boone offers is an illusion of achieving progress, while lining his pocket (and his allies’ pockets), while setting a path that would dig our hole(s) even deeper.

In the end, what does that 50% suggest about The Pickens Plan: that the hidden, strongest ally might actually be the coal industry and coal industry giants like Peabody.

Thus, the Peabody-Pickens Axis for Perpetuating Pollution.

Brief selection of blogosphere discussions of The Pickens Plan

Tags: coal · Energy

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Richad Mercer // Feb 2, 2009 at 11:31 am

    Joseph Romm at Climate Progress points out that using Natural Gas to fuel power plants is a far more efficient use of the gas than using it in vehicles. It makes not sense energy wise. See his article on the Pickens Plan there.

    Phasing out coal should be our number one priority.

    Pickens has two good ideas, wind power and HVDC transmission. The other side of the equation makes no sense.

    What is more alarming at the moment, is the massive loan guarantees for nuclear power in the present stimulus package in congress. The same money lent for developing solar thermal plants in the southwest as well as PV and wind would move us much further toward a clean grid and energy independence. We could build hundreds of gigawatts of solar and wind before the first 1 or 2 GW nuclear plant goes online in a decade or so.

    And the package contains way too much money for coal.

  • 2 Energize Virginia Democratic Governor Primary // Jun 8, 2009 at 9:16 pm

    […] or trash) is not a “bio-fuel”. And, the reference to natural gas has enough taste of T Boone Pickens’ shell game to cause […]

  • 3 Senate Democratic Policy Committee (DPC) Cozying up With T Boone Pickens // Jul 29, 2009 at 1:44 pm

    […] The Pickens Plan does nothing to reduce the most serious concern in the energy sector when it comes …. […]

  • 4 T. Boone: Why not get inventive? // Jul 30, 2009 at 9:53 am

    […] The Pickens’ Plan which, while captivating to many, is a fundamentally flawed concept that could help nail the coffin shut on America’s future rather than, as he promotes, set the stage for something better. There are worthwhile elements in […]

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