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Biden-Palin … Semi-Green vs Dirty-Black?

September 4th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Tom Friedman has already declared the election done when it comes to energy and global warming issues, with Sarah Palin’s introduction as John McCain’s running mate sealing the deal. Care about a decent energy future and dealing with Global Warming, there is now only one ticket to vote for: Obama-Biden. And, let us be clear, John McCain had VP options that might not have driven Friedman to write that piece. Let us take a moment to compare briefly, head-to-head, the two VP candidates on energy issues.

Global Warming:

“For more than 20 years, Joe Biden has been at the forefront of the fight against global warming. In 1986, he offered the first Senate bill to fight global warming pollution. Since then, he has been the Senate’s strongest voice for making America the international leader in reducing global warming pollution and exporting clean technology”.

Sarah Palin denies humanity’s role in Global Warming.


Palin enthusiastically (and blindly) supports DRILL! DRILL! DRILL! (leading to cheers at the RNC: “Drill, baby, drill!” as the convention delegates demonstrated their respect for women). Joe Biden questions the sense of extending drilling into the outer continental shelf, opposes drilling in ANWR, and supports looking for solutions, not slogans.


Sarah Palin worked to get more coal-fired electricity when Mayor. Joe BIden is supporting a moratorium on new coal-fired electricity without the capacity to sequester and store carbone emissions.

Renewable Energy

Joe Biden calls for a national renewable portfolio standard of at least 20% by 2020. Sarah Palin stated to the RNC that renewable energy is at least a decade off.

Personal action

Joe Biden commuted every day from Delaware to his office, every day by rail. Sarah Palin?

Sarah Palin’s record is ugly on environmental and energy issues. Joe Biden’s is generally strong and admirable. When it comes to the Vice Presidential candidates, their colors are clear: Joe Biden is a darkening shade of green while Sarah Palin is very dirty black.

Tags: 2008 presidential campaign · 2008 Presidential Election · Energy

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 VP Debate: Bi-Partisan Romancing of Clean Coal // Oct 3, 2008 at 10:03 am

    […] to be quite clear, there are stark differences between Joe Biden and Sarah “Energy Expert” Palin on energy and enviro…, Sarah Palin’s record is ugly on environmental and energy issues. Joe Biden’s is generally […]

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